Computer problem... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Computer problem...


Well-Known Member
April 9, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Mirabel, Quebec, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
94' XL 4x4
I have a damed check engine light that as been there for 2 years now. I got to a mechanic I know, and started retrieving codes. Every code I have changed the related part. Scan codes again no more, I back up the truck, poof engine light again, go back into garage, retrieve codes, no more. How come the %^&$#@* light comes on if there is no stupid codes, I am gessing the computer is "Kaput" but as anyone any idea on that matter.
I also thought of putting performance chip, but DO NOT want to run premium, the price at the pump is alredy to high. Is there any chip that run with 87 octane.

Start by cleaning the air sensor. That may be why the light comes on. If that's not it....try doing a search on the site. I know theres a ton of posts on the engine light. Also...make sure you reset the computer after each fix you do.

As for the chip....NO. There is no chip you can run 87 on all the time. Take the dive with the rest of use and bite the bullet. Hypertech can run on 87 but it will all but kill the point of the chip. You'll get about 3 to 4 more mpg by adding the chip which will offset the cost of the gas. You'll just pay more at the pump, but go further on the road.
