control trac mods | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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control trac mods


October 17, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Brookfield, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 4wd 4.0L XLT
I've read the mods about making the AWD units 2wd, but on the control trac ones (with 2wd-auto-4wd low) is there a mod to make auto a real 4wd, or add it?

BTW, didn't read the original post about it not using the front wheels above 35mph, but don't believe it! I hear and feel it engage at 60, and can tell in hydroplaning too, without a doubt. Verified with Ford dealer shop too.


I was used to my BroncoII 4wd and was in my mother in law's yard over night. It had rained... Sooo, I thought I'd put it in 4wd and ease out slowly to avoid damage ;)

Well, I start to ease out and the back wheels started to spin (and dug a quick hole in the mud/grass), but within a split second the front came up to speed (which was higher now that the back broke loose) and the front wheels dug divots too! So much for tiptoeing out on all fours!! Not my kinda 4wd....

So, any ideas?
