Converting Hubby...from Dakota to Sport Trac... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Converting Hubby...from Dakota to Sport Trac...


Well-Known Member
December 21, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Blaine, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Ranger XLT 4WD
Now that hubby has basically noticed a Dakota crew cab...I have introduced him to the Sport Trac. But I have a few questions for my own self.

It appears from the forums that the ST was first available in '01, correct me if I am wrong please. The main questions are about options, such as motor sizes, trans types and 4WD types, as in manual hubs or automatic/push button.

So if I wanted say, an '01 with a 4.0L 5spd and manual that critter going to be available or more properly, was it available with the Sport Trac?

I have had such good luck with Shady that her motor trans combo is a fav now...but if there is a better one, please folks, speak up! We are looking for both useability and economy, but it also depends upon the actual truck once we decide to purchase.

Thanks in advance, from the chatty crazy crone...who's too tired to post much right now...

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There are no "selectable" hubs in the sport trac, the front end is "live axle", meaning always engaged. The transfer case is all that disengages. Very reliable that way. The 4.0L is the only motor, always and electric transfer case, and the manual transmissions are rare. I looked all over for one and settled for an auto. Mileage before the lift, tires, roofrack, etc was roughly 17-18mpg.

Brian thanks so much for the input...we may end up a 3 Ex family ;) I want my manual trans for fun stuff, and hubby would rather have an Auto, so I guess we get a ST and a 2dr Ex...more fun for me...less hassle for him!

Now I just need to start saving those pennies and other change...

Yeah well I liked having a manual, I generally hate autos, this is the first one I've owned. But it works. And the manual transmission and clutch in the ranger/explorer is pretty weak anyway, and the hydraulics on them are garbage.

IMO the Dakotas are crap its only redeeming value is the V-8 option, id rather have a Mitsu, Nissan etc..

i love my sport trac, its best thing since sliced bread and the lightbulb

so did ur husband get the sport trac or the dakota

And the manual transmission and clutch in the ranger/explorer is pretty weak anyway, and the hydraulics on them are garbage.

They are weak you can't tow with them or anything, they're not set up for that but if you drive them nice they'll last as long as you want.

Sam we are exploring which to get in the near future...he really likes the looks of the Dakota crew cab or plus cab...which to me is ok, but...well I prefer the Sport Trac look we are going to be shopping prices soon.

We will let you all know when we are ready to buy, just in case some member near enough to go fetch one, has one for sale!

Thanks for the input folks, it makes a difference in what we look for...and will accept when we do buy.

Sam we are exploring which to get in the near future...he really likes the looks of the Dakota crew cab or plus cab...which to me is ok, but...well I prefer the Sport Trac look we are going to be shopping prices soon.

We will let you all know when we are ready to buy, just in case some member near enough to go fetch one, has one for sale!

Thanks for the input folks, it makes a difference in what we look for...and will accept when we do buy.

the dakota will be cheaper well..because its a dodge..the trac is better made and has much better fit and finish. belive me i looked at all my midsize options the only truck that beats out the trac IMO is the Tacoma but the price is a hell of alot higher..
