Cooking with Dirt | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Yessssssssss.... real beef :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


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Fire up the grill...


That gives me an idea... :D

*Waiting for Joe Dirt Explorer shaped meatloaf...*

^ Kent is correct ^


Wow- my post count has finally approached used car price... ROFL!


At least you got dressed up and put on your face for the occasion!!!:D:thumbsup:


me hungry...


Has Chef Dirt hung up his apron?

Did the TV show ever air? I forgot to set the video recorder:D

I've hung up a lot of aprons... Time just grows short anymore, and sadly there are just no available minutes to compile all of the pics, threads, and vids. Whether food, Dirt Tips, or now requested detailing vids- sadly I don't see them happening... Oh well- it was fun while it lasted... Probably taking a short break anyhow to work on some other things as well. Cheers!

We're gonna miss you :salute:


He just needs some alone time in his tree stand, unless he's giving that up too :dunno:

have faith people, because i know whats going to happen. one day,
he will be strolling around in the grocery store, whistling away without a care in the world, and this will happen.
he will walk by a twinkie display, look at them, even stare at them.
sky's will darken! oceans will boil! iphone apple maps WILL MAKE SENSE!
he will hold that twinkie in his hands as he raises it to the heavens as he yells
" i can not let this twinkie live a boring life! i must save it!!!!"
or he may have time one day, and be able to post up some stuff. you never know. :D

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One can only hope! :p:
