cool sale at sears for tool startup kit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cool sale at sears for tool startup kit


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September 17, 1999
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Longmont, CO
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2017 Explorer Sport
This is for those that don't have many tools and are looking to get a few to start working on their vehicles, etc.
Saw that sears has a 119-piece tool set for sale for $50 this week, its the same one I bought about two years ago for $100. It's got about all the sockets you'd need (except an 18mm deep socket I found out) as well as a few wrenches and I think even a few screwdrivers). It comes in a carrying case which makes it handy for taking out on the trail with you.

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What brand? I just got a 144 piece set of craftsman tools for $119. Still a good deal. Regular price was $149.

If you end up buying a couple of tools every month (or couple of months) I would recomend joining the craftsman club (it's my fovorite kind, free) over the past year I've saved well over $200.00 on tools, just for being in a free club.

craftsman tools of course :). I may have had the wrong number, it may be the 99-piece, I don't remember. Either way its the same kit I've got.

Hmmm. could it be the 101 piece for $69? Thats the one i remember. How can u join the craftsman club?

If you buy tools from Sears remember the "Companion" or "Sears" brand tools do not have free replacement. Only "Craftsman" tools do and if you are going to use them they are worth the x-tra $$.
If I remember correctly the Craftsman tools are made in the US and the others in China.

Originally posted by SCEXPLORER
How can u join the craftsman club?

They asked me if I wanted to join when I bought my tool set. Here's the offical scoop fron the Sears website:

"To join, stop by your nearby Sears, Sears Hardware, or Sears Hometown Dealer Store and ask for an application, or call 1-800-682-8691."

it's the 119 pc set, i just got one today!

i've got lots of Craftsman and other good tools in the roll-cabs at home, but the tools i kept in the truck have been a motley assortment of stuff... wanted to get a dedicated set of good tools for the "new" 4x

it has a mag-tip screwdriver and a set of nutdriver tips for it, almost "fluffy" but not quite.

the set includes 2 inch and 2 metric open end wrenches. good to start, but complete sets of both metric and inch combination wrenches would be nice.

the set has a 3/8" x 3" drive extention, but no 1/4" extentions, or 3/8" to 1/4" adaptor

Matt- what's the 18mm deep for?

i got the 144 pc for $99 about 4 weeks ago from sears. normal price was like $150. they put a set of tools on sale almost every week i think so just look out. most of the craftsman stuff that comes in a package has the application for the "craftsman club" in it. otherwise, just pick one up next time your in sears.

Originally posted by fixer

Matt- what's the 18mm deep for?

Rear leaf spring u-bolts, as well as several other suspension components :).
