Coolant leak; just the gasket? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Coolant leak; just the gasket?


Well-Known Member
July 20, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Eddie Bauer
Started leaking from lower thermostat housing. Looks straight forward but can I just replace the gasket or does the lower need replaced?



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there is only one thermostat housing.. not sure if you're confusing it with the lower intake? but either way yes you can just replace the gasket..

....or take a closer look, i bet it's a hose, gaskets dont often spring a leak like hoses do.

Thanks. When u say lower I mean from the bottom. I will check to see if it's a hose again

if it's from the bottom of the engine (and the front) 90% of the time it's the water pump.

...if you run straight water (no coolant) it's likely you could have a rusted out freeze plug too.

I was thinking i could just unbolt it and replace the gasket. i guess it's more involved

You are better off replacing the lower housing anyways, The lower housing will start leaking like shown on the linked thread.

I just did this yesterday. Very easy and straightforward. Be sure to replace the rubber seal where the new housing mates with the engine, the thermostat, the thermostat O-ring, and the coolant temperature sensor (the O-ring on mine was completely flattened). You can reuse the upper housing. I didn't do a complete drain but I did have to replace about a gallon of fluid that poured out when I disconnected the necessary hoses.

The leak appears to be where the two pieces of the lower housing are glued together.

thanks, i'm wainting for the parts to come in. i just ordered the housing, temp sensor and gasket.

Saved over $100 from US to Canadian dealer, WTF!

did min last night not back the bogest pain in the a$$ was the bypass hose getting to the bottom clamp sucked but other then that pretty easy job. like sethe said replace all the orings and get a new temp senser as the old one will jave a flat washer. oh and btw save your self some money and get the oring and the gasket from autozone they are like 5 bucks for both of them and for wants 15 or so a peice.
