coolant leak | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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coolant leak


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August 27, 2006
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1991 explorer
I need help! I have coolant leaking into the engine somewhere, how do you test to see exactly what is leaking? Smokes like hell when you start it up, but after you drive it a few minutes doesn't smoke. what could it be. Thanks Kevin

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are you getting a check engine light? is there any coolant on the ground in the morning when you go to start it up? About how fast are you losing coolant?

My first reaction is you lost a head gasket...but that's just a guess.

I just went through a leak on mine on a 00' 5.0, except it was the radiator itself with a crack somewhere, I just yanked it out and now going to test where the crack is. If yours is smoking like you say can you see anywhere it may be leaking from, look around the ground and see where it could be dripping from, or around the engine as it could be a gasket issue. Is there smoke coming from the exhaust? Open the hood and start the engine, should be able to tell where it could be coming from, if its a gasket issue, there could be a leak dripping onto the manifolds causing smoke. Though odd it goes away after you drive.

Clean everything off and pressure test the system.

It is an internal leak, smoke comes out tailpipe

Is it white smoke from the tail pipe? If so, most like a busted gasket leaking coolant inside.
