Could it be as simple as adding oil? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Could it be as simple as adding oil?


May 24, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Modesto CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer Sport
I have a 95 Sport and after driving it over a hundred miles yesterday(with no obvious problems) along with numerous starts and stops, it suddenly turned itself off. This happened right after I started it. It sputtered a bit, like a gurgle and there was no tension in the gas pedal. It starts up but then sputters off. The instrument panels 'check guage' lit up and the only guage reading differently was the oil(which didn't register at all). It read normal thru out the day. The electrical seems to work fine.

I got it towed home. I'm gonna be the one working on my Explorer today, so before I add anything or clean anything....can someone tell me - can it be that I just need to add oil?

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check the dip stick first. If the oil level reads low than add the apparoprate amount.
If it reads normal, then you have bigger issues to deal with.

It reads normal. Since my rig doesn't start, I checked it while it was cold, but that's the correct way, no?
So I guess I'm in the 'bigger issues' catagory. What might they be? I'll take any suggestions. I need to research what options I have, since $$$ is a 'big issue' for me, right now.

yeah you always check oil cold. Pull the dip stick, wipe it with a clean rag. Stick it back in all the way. Pull it out for a correct reading.

Right now there are many possibilites, too many to list with out having acess to the vehicle.

That bites....I have a 95 Sport also...I have to agree with Monmix on how many different things could be the problem...but its still not an impossible task..maybe frustrating, but not impossible.!!..
Check and see if you are getting gas to the fuel rail....the rail feeds the injectors...
turn the ignition switch on and listen for the fuel pump hum or buzz in your gas tank..
..also find the valve stem looking thing on the fuel rail , unscrew and remove the small cap and push in on the small valve( its just like letting air out of a tire) and see if you get a pressured shot of fuel coming out....
Keep asking questions here..someone will be able to get you closer to fixing your problem..good luck

It could be an Idle Air Control Valve issue. Try and start it with the gas pedal floored. If it will start and stay running while you have your foot on the gas then it is almost certainly an IAC valve.

the lack of any oil pressure would cause to me be aprehensive about trying to start this thing at all. Real easy way to further grenade a motor.

Does it make any differance if the oil light is not on, when I put the key in the on position? Does that have anything to do with oil pressure?

The oil light will be on with the key on but the engine not running. Since the oil pump runs off the motor, no oil pressure will build until the motor turns over...Your problem is going to be very hard, if not impossible for one of us to diagnose over the internet....

Step one is getting the battery terminal cleaned up, and charged up enough to start the motor.

I jumped it and nothing

Good news is the oil guage registers now. But the battery light is still on and it wont kick over. It makes attempts but just doesn't catch. Someone suggested it could be the spark plugs. Is that an area I should look at?

To recap: The only light showing is the battery. There seems to be full power but it won't kick over.

Someone throw me a bone please.....

When the vehicle was jumped did it start and run then die or did it not turn over at all.. if the vehicle was running after it died then stopped you may have a bad alternator.. the alternator charges the battery as the truck is running. if its not charging and the battery is powering the truck it will die quickly. that will cause your battery light to turn on as well.

Just a thought maybe it will help.


turns over but no fire.
Do you smell fuel ?
There could be fuel issues, compression, or spark.

Maybe a broken throttle cable?


Ok....nobody mock me but, where is the IAC and how do I check it? regards to fuel relays, I notice I have 3 in that box can I switch any one of them?
And what is that EEC test thing right below it?

I'm guessing the EEC thing is the EEC-IV connector. It's for diagnostic codes and hooking up with the computer.

The IAC on the SOHC is under the little cover on top of the intake. It's a silver object. Sort of like this:


You should only have one fuel pump relay. Why would you want to switch them anyway?


Tah-dah! I'm getting no fuel flow

Ok. I had someone stop by and look at it. We didn't have much time but he showed me that there were no fuel vapors when he exposed air intake valve. That's all I got out of him. He said it was up to me to figure out my fuel flow problem.
Any suggestions?


I was just told that its called the butterfly valve for air intake to the manifold. So I hope that helps.

Seems like he's thinkig it was a carb'd truck. That valve let's air in, while the injectors in the lower intake produce the fuel for the mix.

I'm thinking it would be a poor negative battery connection. Even a bad connection to the starter. Did you check the fuel rail like others have mentioned? Do you know if the battery is still good? It could be the coil pack only firing a couple cylinders. It would be a lot of things. :(

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some one here just needs to drive out to Modesto and give this girl a little help.

Dont nominate me I live a few thousand miles away.
