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Couldn't sleep...

i guess so, hiding a crown vic would be a challenge, and im sure they wouldnt want to leave the cars in the distance in case of the worse.

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of course they wouldn't want their cars to far away...thats where the cameras are :D

hard to make an episode of cops when the camera is 6 blocks away :D

Ford_Racing_Guy said:
of course they wouldn't want their cars to far away...thats where the cameras are :D

hard to make an episode of cops when the camera is 6 blocks away :D
hahah yep

Your lucky they did'nt wait till you were closer to the house and put you in cuffs. Someone riding a bike near a crackhouse at 3am sounds like a buyer to me.

Executing arrest and search warrants is an inherently dangerous part of the job, especially when its part of a raid, and the police officer was correct in maintaining a secure perimeter immediately prior to and during the raid. A lot of preparation goes into the execution of these ops and even then things can and often do go wrong. I find it highly improbable that the police officer would have informed anyone that the target of the raid was a crack house that info usulally comes from a public affairs officer and after the fact, in part to protect possible CI's or UC operators. As someone said you're lucky you weren't cuffed and put in a cruiser or worse.

oso2324 said:
Executing arrest and search warrants is an inherently dangerous part of the job, especially when its part of a raid, and the police officer was correct in maintaining a secure perimeter immediately prior to and during the raid. A lot of preparation goes into the execution of these ops and even then things can and often do go wrong. I find it highly improbable that the police officer would have informed anyone that the target of the raid was a crack house that info usulally comes from a public affairs officer and after the fact, in part to protect possible CI's or UC operators. As someone said you're lucky you weren't cuffed and put in a cruiser or worse.

Good point, i like how you make me question the integrity of the story... is it true or fictional?
