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Coupon Codes for Forum Members

This part is on backorder and not expected to be available for at least 30 days. If you can wait and would like to order let me know.

- Benny
I see, I'll have to source from elsewhere then because currently my sensor is unplugged and the connector is sealed from potential wetness...not confident about riding around for a month without it. I appreciate it though!

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Hey Benny, ordering some brake dust covers, do I send you what I need or just use a code for checkout?


Hi, PM sent


Hi, Can I use a code if I come to the shop to buy the parts at the counter?

Hi there Benny getting ready to ordered up some parts for Explorer and super duty. Any discounts would be great.

I need to place an order for rear knuckles DB5Z-5B758-B and DB5Z-5B759-B for my 2014 Explorer Sport. Can I get a code for that? I also sent you a PM.

Hi Guys,

We have codes available for forum members so if your looking for Genuine Ford replacement parts or Accessories please let us know, Feel free to reply to this thread here and we will message you.


Do you have a. Ode for a replacement backup camera?

Hi Guys,

We have codes available for forum members so if your looking for Genuine Ford replacement parts or Accessories please let us know, Feel free to reply to this thread here and we will message you.



hi benny,

a pleasure to meet you
I also sent you a PM to see
is it possible to get some discount codes

it is for a pair of:

Motorcraft Shock / Strut & Coil Spring Assembly
right and left

my car
2014 Ford Explorer base model v6 FWD non-turbo
vin- 1FM5K7B85EGB71736

Strut Loaded Assembly
Part Number:
(is this ASTL-65 ?)

Strut Loaded Assembly
Part Number:

thank you so much


below are the parts needed
took it off another ford dealership parts near me

right Strut - loaded. Suspension Strut and Coil Spring. Strut Loaded ASSEM _ -

right Strut - loaded. Suspension Strut and Coil Spring. Strut Loaded ASSEM _ -

Hi Benny. I was a moderator on the Ford Explorer forum and am still active on it on a daily;y basis. I have recommended Levittown to the members on many occasions and referred them to the Coupon Code for Members link often.
Having an Aviator, I am also an active member of a Lincoln forum Lincoln Forums and have also recomended Levittown for parts. Would any members of that forum also be eligible for the same discount/coupon code?
Thank you.


hi benny,

a pleasure to meet you
I also sent you a PM to see
is it possible to get some discount codes

it is for a pair of:

Motorcraft Shock / Strut & Coil Spring Assembly
right and left

my car
2014 Ford Explorer base model v6 FWD non-turbo
vin- 1FM5K7B85EGB71736

Strut Loaded Assembly
Part Number:
(is this ASTL-65 ?)

Strut Loaded Assembly
Part Number:

thank you so much


below are the parts needed
took it off another ford dealership parts near me

View attachment 453354

View attachment 453355

Hi Jamee,

Nice to meet you as well!

Here are confirmed part numbers/links to the loaded front strut assemblies

They take us about 3 days to ship out. I will reply to your PM with a code you can use.

- Benny

Hi Benny. I was a moderator on the Ford Explorer forum and am still active on it on a daily;y basis. I have recommended Levittown to the members on many occasions and referred them to the Coupon Code for Members link often.
Having an Aviator, I am also an active member of a Lincoln forum Lincoln Forums and have also recomended Levittown for parts. Would any members of that forum also be eligible for the same discount/coupon code?
Thank you.


Hi Peter,
Yes of course and we appreciate that. I will PM you a code that you can share privately please.

Thank you,
- Benny

hi benny,

a pleasure to meet you
I also sent you a PM to see
is it possible to get some discount codes

it is for a pair of:

Motorcraft Shock / Strut & Coil Spring Assembly
right and left

my car
2014 Ford Explorer base model v6 FWD non-turbo
vin- 1FM5K7B85EGB71736

Strut Loaded Assembly
Part Number:
(is this ASTL-65 ?)

Strut Loaded Assembly
Part Number:

thank you so much


below are the parts needed
took it off another ford dealership parts near me

View attachment 453354

View attachment 453355
thank you benny!!!!!

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