Creating an order form in Access 2000? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Creating an order form in Access 2000?


Elite Explorer<br>sXc Member
April 16, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Brandon, MS
Year, Model & Trim Level
'07 Nissan Titan CC LE
Can anyone here give me some hints at creating some sort of order form that can read the inventory list and vendor list. This is in Access 2000. Sure, I have my suppliers table and my inventory listing table, as well as a report listing all supplies that we have ordered here at the lab, but I haven't wuite figured out how to create an order form or invoice either. I don't need invoicing abilities, but I figured that I'd add that bit for just added, useless info. One thing that I would need, for example, is to be able to pull a vendor name and to autofill the address information automatically.
