crossing deep water | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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crossing deep water

in my brothers TJ we went through a flooded street that was up to the bottoms of the doors (about 20" on his jeep) and the tailpipe was completely submerged we werent going any faster than about 3-5mph and no water was sucked in. That was with the 2.5L I-4

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From what I have read if you keep on the gas a little you don't have to worrk as much about the exhaust. I just need to know where the breather tubes are so I can lengthen the lines because that you DO need to worry about.

Do you need those little gas filter lines on the breather tubes or is that mostly for looks and a little addded percaution?

Originally posted by Blake D
Do you need those little gas filter lines on the breather tubes or is that mostly for looks and a little addded percaution?

You dont need them since from the factory, breathers didnt have filters. However, under my hood gets really dusty and dirty so a filter is a good idea. You can find those little filters for cheap except the K&N's are not cheap.

sorry, i forgot to get pics today, I had alot of stuff to do.

That's fine I am still looking trying to find teh tranny and T-case breather, I guess we don't have to worry about the fuel breather?

This is too deep....

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Sorry rod.

wow now that is deep!!! Any problems after getting out?
engine,interior etc.......?

WOW was the ex full of water on the inside too?

:D (Got an answer to where the breather tubes are on the tranny or any tips withe the breathers?):D

sorry for th typo DANG! fingers!

:D (Got any answer to where the breather tubes are on the tranny or any tips with the breathers?):D
Meaning I am still in need of locations and pics. Sorry as soon as I know I'll post.

That was a while back it took 30 minutes to get him out. everthing had water in it. Had to change the Oil in every thing it was still running for a while there too...


Blake, willing to post where they are all located? Have any pictures?

Yaa that was pretty deep, I had to replace all the fluids, tranny, axle, oil, etc. After that it ran fine and still is. I look back at it now and remmeber sitting in the drivers seat and looking down at my legs underwater, and thinking, DAMM THIS IS COLD!
Thanks to a great group of guys they pulled me out in no time.
Although I was the trail leader and had crossed here before a thousand times, I forgot the golden rule of water crossings, ALWAYS get out of the truck and wade thru first.

No prob about posting that pic Kris. Hey, If I remember correctly isnt there a pic of you around here taking in some water? Hmmmmmmm, let me see if I can find it. :)

Here is another angle of the same incident:


  • slab44.jpg
    59.5 KB · Views: 780

Here ya go Sinjin...I think this is the picture your looking for.
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yeah but I was not as deep as you.... The good thing I was able to drive home and all my fluids were still good. One good tip never follow Michael through water.

The slabs always has one water victim. Jesse got it the other time.

Those are great pics, just need some to locate the breather tubes so if that happens to me and my breathers stay above water I hopefully won't have to change the fluids again!

Those were great Brian thanks! I relocated both of my diffs and my t-case breathers. I feel much better about it now. I ran my rear diff breather into the housing behing the driver taillight and attached it there with some zip ties, and put a clear fuel filter from Fram on it to keep it from getting dust and junk in it. The tcase and front breather I ran along the driver frame and up into the engine and attached with zip ties behind the break fluid resivoir. The front diff I had to get a connector piece bc I couldn't reach where it actually attached but it all looks good now.
I still need to know ----where is the auto tranny breather tube at?------- and how much do i need to worry about the fuel breather and its location?
I appriciate all the help Brian if i get a dig pic I'll post the pics.

Still need to know where is the auto tranny breather tube at? How much do i need to worry about the fuel breather and its location?
Anyone? Anyone?

Still wondering?

how did you re-route these breathers? just go longer hoses and use and adapter into the ends?

this looks like something i would like to do, but even from those pictures they're taken so close i don't know where they're located. :)

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Yes longer hose. Rear is on driver side about six inches left of diff housing, you need to get the spare tire out of the way. I replaced the entire hose and ranit up behing the driver taillight and put a fuel filter on the end. Front is kind of on topof the diff near passenger side. It curls down so I just added an adapter and then extended the hose up to the engine compartment behind the break res. The Tcase is kinda a pain, from driver side looking from front of vehicle to back youcan see the fitting. Hard to get at but then reroute to same place as front diff.

I am still looking for the trans case though and I am not sure how important the fuel breather is to relocate.
Also for deep water crossing what else needs to be covered/ not gotten wet, I crossed and got some puttering and a little white smoke, nearly died on me, had to gas it hard and stay on the throttle to keep the engine from goiong out. Then drove for about 25 min and added gas treatment and everything is fine but WHAT CAUSED THE PUTTERING and what do else do I need to do to my truck?
