Cruise Control not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cruise Control not working


Active Member
August 21, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Middleborough, Ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Police Pack
Well i can turn the cruise control on and it illuminates on the dash, i can also turn it off. But for some reason when i turn it on and set the speed it doesnt set it. the car just coasts and eventually starts to slow down. It looks like it works but no functionality.

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Well i can turn the cruise control on and it illuminates on the dash, i can also turn it off. But for some reason when i turn it on and set the speed it doesnt set it. the car just coasts and eventually starts to slow down. It looks like it works but no functionality.

There is a brake pressure switch in the master cylinder and a brake position switch on the brake pedal arm; there is also a switch on the clutch pedal arm if you have a manual tranny. If any are defective your CC will turn on but not work. Other possibilities are the wheel switches themselves, or the "clock spring" connection under the air bag. These are roughly in order of likelehood to be causing your issue.

Easiest place to troubleshoot from is the plug at the CC servo under the hood. You will need a wiring diagram, a VOM, and some electrical knowledge; wiring diagrams available for free here:
Auto - Online Repair Info
ID: rrcc
PW: rebsco
Select: Auto Repair Reference Center
Fill in: Find Your Vehicle
Follow prompts down to Wiring Diagrams.

Good luck.

check your linkages from the control unit to the throttle. IF your lights go one, control unit is seeing some of your inputs but as mentioned, it might not be seeing the "set" input from the other side of the steering.

My cruise wasn't working and was showing as working but losing speed just like coasting. Nothing I read dealing with the electrical system did any good. Then just out of shear boredom I took this cap off and noticed the cruise cable had come off of the oval gear inside. Went to disconnect cruise cable and noticed jam nut was missing so had to make own fix with what had on hand.

Cable around oval gear inside that.... push tab to turn:

My handy dandy cable tie jam nut

I know, it needs a bath.
