CV joint leaking fluid | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CV joint leaking fluid


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2014
Reaction score
Prescott, AZ
City, State
Prescott, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer Platinum
Notice a black liquid on the floor of the garage under the inside of drivers side front wheel. Here is what it looks like:
It's scheduled to go into the dealer on Tuesday morning.

E1FC287D-3F0D-426B-B37E-6CFEA570BEEB.jpeg 39AFF9C9-5F3F-4C4C-A97E-99D676B2EC8C.jpeg

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Notice a black liquid on the floor of the garage under the inside of drivers side front wheel. Here is what it looks like:
It's scheduled to go into the dealer on Tuesday morning.

View attachment 435785 View attachment 435786
That doesn't look good. 2nd pic looks like boot at the small clamp has excessive grease or is torn. Have you run anything over recently? Bag or branch? Be curious to see if they will cover without issue.

Not that I can recall, low milage only 23,700 miles on it. Will see what happens on Tuesday.

Thank you, yes that looks just like the issue I'm having, hopefully the dealer has the parts to repair it, seem like a fairly easy part replacement.


Well it's at the Ford dealer, part is suppose to be in tomorrow, they said is should be ready at the end of the day.

Under warranty.

Well it's at the Ford dealer, part is suppose to be in tomorrow, they said is should be ready at the end of the day.

Under warranty.
Good to hear your getting a good turn around time.

Repair completed, report indicated no signs of external damage to the boot, axle shaft was removed and replaced under warranty.


So was the clamp loose or what? Hopefully not a production line issue that affects lots of vehicles.

There was some information that the clamps were too tight when the axle shafts were manufactured, eventually cutting into the boots.
Can't say that's what my problem was, but I checked and a new axle shaft was installed as there is no reliable way to repair the boot over the CV joint.

^ I can see the reason to get a new axle as a warranty repair, but isn't the reliable way to repair the boot, to just replace the whole boot? I mean if you can find one that fits, a normal boot not the split down the side, slip on type.

After a month of clicking when stopping and accelerating I was just told the half shafts had no grease. 10,800 miles I'll pick up some butt lube later today while I wait for the next problem.

^ Huh? Isn't it covered under warranty? If you ran a month without lube, seems like it'd be better to replace them rather than relube, as long as the replacement is motorcraft rather than a generic.
