Death wobble - revisited | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Death wobble - revisited

here's the picture I took this morning:

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can see the diffrence in the steering link's angles here

I get the wobbles too,Here is what mines looks like and I still get the wobbles thou not as bad, I have found it get better the more weight I have in the rear


  • IM000788.JPG
    73 KB · Views: 644

I will snap one of mine in the morning. I have around 7.5 inch's with a 6 inch pitman. Mine rides fine with no bump steer. i will get you a pic.

6" pitman arm... what truck is it off?


If you look at the angle of my steering its worse then all those. But i have no problems driving or turning. No bump steer either. I just have the superlift pitman arm. It says its good fro 4-6inch's, I have 7.5. I know when i got my alignment he said if it wobble's he can mess with the toe on the front and it would fix it. You may wanna check the toe that could be it.

Any luck getting the wobble out Dre?
Oh and you do have a 6" drop pitman, look at the pic of mine where the bottom of the are is vs the cross member, I have a superlift 4-6" drop pitman arm on mine

really no time to even think now these days... I'll probably come back with more complaining after the next trip


I'm getting used to it :confused:

Dre-if you are still having this problem put your front sway bar back on it will make a big diffrence

I'm getting used to it... sway bar? threw it away when lifted my truck... never thought I'd need it

I was have a bad case of the wobbles, I had my sway bar removed for about a year and after the SOA and add the f150 spacer to the 2.5 JD lift I had mojor wobble, I found my old sway bar and bought some used end links from the wrecking yard and after I put the sway bar back on my wobble is gone and i can pull my trailer again, ;)

I have the exact same wobble but it's worse if you make a turn to the left and it happens for me at lower speeds like 50-55mph, and get ass-puckering violent.

Thought about dropping the BL, and putting sway bars back on it.

