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Diesel Conversion anyone?

It is true, many diesels lacking a turbocharger, specially old diesels are sluggish, or low revving industrial application diesels.

The explorer is a mid size SUV, outside the US there are plenty of diesel SUVs larger than the explorer or more or less the same being carried by 2.5, 2.8, 3.0 diesel engines, with a mileage per gallon better than 28. Almost all American SUV models offer a diesel engine outside the US, eg. Jeep Wrangler CDRI, Jeep Cherokee, or at least have different models of mid size SUVS offering diesel engines and competing in the same markets, eg. Ford Everest, and of course, there you have all the diesel Land Rover options; Tdi Defender, Tdi Discovery, Tdi Range Rover...

We mentioned the word market, that is the key, there is no real market yet for small diesels in the US, even after or during the crisis (we are still going through it), when spare money for the green light tire burnout is no longer available. Price also, fuel price, diesel is cheaper than gas in some countries, but not in the US (although both fuels are cheaper in the US when compared to many other countries)

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anybody do any swaps yet?

Yeah that would be neat to see. Its a good point they do it in Europe why not here. It would be a perfect application for diesel. Milage and tq.

O how i'd like a 3.9.
one day.

You mean one of these? ;)


My Cummins swap, still in progress.

A Cummins swap is just sweet...

I have not tried any swap in the country I am living in, diesel Rangers (sharing front suspension, cabin controls, etc. 90's to 2006; 2.5 turbo, 3.0 turbo, powerstroke, 2.8 turbo-all are 4 cylinder engines) are very common, an it will be easy just to swap everything from one of these to the Explorer (everything from the motor to the ECU and pretty much all the mechanics fit, only difference is that the back suspension has a SOA). Here it is just cheaper to sell your Explorer and buy a Ranger...or do a body swap...

Again, using a Cummins is another story...think about what the Cummins did to Dodge Rams and all of that low end torque...

What I mean is...nice work, I will be checking on for the results

I'd really like to know what it takes to import an engine from South America. Has anyone done it or known someone who has?

Diesels from Central/South America

If you want a diesel engine from Latin American, South East Asian markets that will fit exactly into a Ford Explorer, you will also need the gearbox. Gas gearboxes seldom work appropriately with diesel engines (of course, there are people that have been able to get away with this).

I declined from this modification, I wanted the car as if it came from the factory with the diesel engine; but I had to also change the transfer case...it seemed too expensive and I didn't had the time to do it myself.

The closest market to the US where you can find this engines is Guatemala, your options would be ford engines; 2,5 liter, a 2,8 power stroke and a 3,0 power stroke. The cost for an engine with its gearbox could be around US$1800 to US$1900 (of course, used from a crashed truck, usually with a limited warranty).

I will have info. for shipping later, in case it helps.


Diesel convervsion

HI,I have put a 4cly. Nissan diesel in a 74vega years ago with a Saginaw
4spd. behind it,the 5spd that came out later also would have been better.
There is a 6cly NISSAN that came in the DODGE trucks in about 1980
kinda of dog because of not enough torque then they added a turbo to it and helped a little,but still needed a better trany&rear end gearing.
They had the same problem with GM diesels in the late 70's too high of
rear end gearing(low numerically)and no OD trany,plus using a converted gas engine.
