"Diesel" Motor Oil | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Diesel" Motor Oil


Explorer Addict
November 12, 2009
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West-Central AZ along the Colorado River
Year, Model & Trim Level
59 Ranchero F250 D'Line
Good price on sale, Rotella T Motor Oil, so took a look at store. Two kinds of oil shared the same slot on the shelf, intermixed together, differing ONLY in the word "Diesel" on some of the gallon jugs, same price, too. Everything else including the severity rating was the same. Knowing diesel service is more severe, I went ahead and put the "Diesel" stuff in my 4.0 SOHC. So far, everything seems normal.

Was this a serious error in my judgement? Lay it on! imp

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Non diesel cars have different catalytic converters than diesel vehicles. I believe there is a strong probability that you will destroy your catalytic converter. Not worth it. Also, a higher level of detergents?

Does it have the sf/sj ratings or just the C ratings? Also what weight? Typically it's 15w40.

Its good for the bottom end with its thickness and high zinc content but your valve train components might not like the thicker oil. If its ok now it should be good for at least 3000 mi

I used it in the 97 we had without any issues (had 183,000 miles on it when we sold it & ran good). It actually got rid of the timing chain rattle that was there at idle. It didn't do that instantly but it did clean the tensioners to hold pressure keeping the chains from rattling. You should be fine.

Appreciate the answers! Thank you! It is 15-40 viscosity, yes. The cat converter idea is interesting news. I really wonder about that. If the engine "burns" less than a quart of oil between changes, that stuff is passing through the cats along with whatever else is left over from the gasoline......

Long, long ago, I worked in a Dynamometer Test Lab, with various makes of diesel engines running all the time, testing head gaskets. Rotella T was used exclusively, even in the several gasoline engines run there. They bought the stuff by the 55 gallon drum! Not sure if Rotella T is still the same stuff or not, that was in the 1960s!

My engine has 136,000 mi. approx. on it, no major repair ever, no noise of any kind. I have worked on virtually all of Ford's engines over the years, excluding, unfortunately, the overhead cam jobs. The horror stories seen in here about tensioners and chains, etc., scare the hell out of me! My first two Explorers had the OHV engine (V-6), but never had need to mess with either of them. imp

Edit: I will check on the oil's severity ratings and get back with that. May take awhile, I think the jug not marked "Diesel" may have been pitched.

I use Chevron Delo 15W-40 in my 1991 Ford Probe GT Turbo, I'd love to use it in my Explorer so I can just buy it in bulk but I feel that it's way too thick for a modern engine that was not designed for it.

holy resurrection! this thread was more than a year ago. the Rotella T motor oil is actually a popular oil used by Jeep enthusiast, it has high zinc content which is very good for the engine. I was surprised at first that they highly recommend this diesel oil for gas engines.

Hmmm, ive never heard of someone running diesel oil in a gasser. Seems like mixed reviews though, astounding yes, or astounding NO! Is it really that good for the engine?

Hmmm, ive never heard of someone running diesel oil in a gasser. Seems like mixed reviews though, astounding yes, or astounding NO! Is it really that good for the engine?

I'd say it's great for the engine as long as the engine is compatible with the weight of 15W-40. I forgot to mention that I also use it in my 1988 Mercedes which has a 3.0L inline 6 and it's actually recommended by MB themselves.

If I could use it in all 3 of my vehicles it would be worth buying it in 5 gallon buckets.

Right now I'm doing this for my Explorer: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3469615&postcount=11

See that's the part that's over my head. I have the 4.0 SOHC which I believe takes 5w30 (don't quote me there, I'd have to double check the cap lol)

See that's the part that's over my head. I have the 4.0 SOHC which I believe takes 5w30 (don't quote me there, I'd have to double check the cap lol)

Ya, 4.0L says 5W30 on the cap. Book specs say 5W30 only. No range.

I've never seen a 5W30 Diesel oil (AKA "Heavy Duty Motor Oil"). I know Delo and Rotella are available in 10W30 which is the thinnest Diesel oil I've come across.

The problem with the thicker oil is it does not pick up as fast as lower viscosity oil on start up. At least that is what I was told.
Bob T

Jeez! After a Year!

Here's the final report! I started the thread wondering if I had f%^ked up. The Rotella T Diesel has been drained and replaced once since then, the damned vehicle keeps running just perfect! One of the best engines I've had in years!

I suspect that a lot of the hoopla about oil is just that: media hype.

But, thanks to you all, for your responses! imp

hey imp, so you're still using it or just a 1 time deal?

Using it all the time, probably been 10, 15 thousand miles now, change it usually between 4-5 thousand, at which time it's down almost 1 quart!

Pretty amazing for an engine pushing 150K! imp

Lots of diesel rated oil have both a diesel engine rating which starts with a "C" and a gas engine rating that starts with a "S". If a oil has a "S" rating why not use it?

I use the Shell Rotella 5w40 synthetic oil in my lawn mower.

Some common diesel oils are 15w40 and 5w40

IIRC Moible One makes a 0w40 diesel oil.

Diesel oils won't hurt a thing and the only issues you may have is if you live in a very cold part of the country, then the thick vis is going to be tough to get to pump on cold start but usually doesn't cause much concern. I'm a member of some oil discussion sites and Rotella oils are used all the time in gas engines, it does not hurt a thing and works great for everyone that uses it. I wouldn't use it in new vehicles under warranty but in the older stuff with high mileage, absolutely!

Diesel oils won't hurt a thing and the only issues you may have is if you live in a very cold part of the country, then the thick vis is going to be tough to get to pump on cold start but usually doesn't cause much concern. I'm a member of some oil discussion sites and Rotella oils are used all the time in gas engines, it does not hurt a thing and works great for everyone that uses it. I wouldn't use it in new vehicles under warranty but in the older stuff with high mileage, absolutely!

Agreed, and understood! Part of the reasoning I used, is that here in the Mohave Desert, oil temperatures run hotter than elsewhere. Pavement temperatures are often 150` or more. Since the biggest "radiator" on the engine from which heat from the oil may be exchanged with the atmosphere, is the oil pan, hanging down there right by the hot pavement. Plus, the high mileage on the engine. imp

Agreed, and understood! Part of the reasoning I used, is that here in the Mohave Desert, oil temperatures run hotter than elsewhere. Pavement temperatures are often 150` or more. Since the biggest "radiator" on the engine from which heat from the oil may be exchanged with the atmosphere, is the oil pan, hanging down there right by the hot pavement. Plus, the high mileage on the engine. imp

You might even consider 20W50 in that kind of environment.

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Diesel oils won't hurt a thing and the only issues you may have is if you live in a very cold part of the country, then the thick vis is going to be tough to get to pump on cold start but usually doesn't cause much concern. I'm a member of some oil discussion sites and Rotella oils are used all the time in gas engines, it does not hurt a thing and works great for everyone that uses it. I wouldn't use it in new vehicles under warranty but in the older stuff with high mileage, absolutely!

Use a block/oil heater. :D

I think they make some that screw in in place of the oil drain plug.
