dieseling? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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February 4, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Birmingham Al
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 xlt 4x4
My 92 Ex has stared dieseling lately. I didn't think a fuel injected engine could diesel .. i suspect a sticking injector but how would i find which one is acting up? is this a common problem or is there something else that can cause this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks Ya'll :cool: Blastingcaps

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My 92 Explorer is also dieseling. Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

What do you mean??

It sounds like a diesel?

Another term for dieseling is engine run-on where after I turn off the ignition the engine falters and sputters. The only way I am able to stop the engine from sputtering is by turning the key back to the on position, which in turn automatically starts the engine running normal, then turn the key off again. If I am lucky the engine will stop this time, if not I repeat the process.

Could have excess carbon build up on the head. Apply some seafoam a few times.... How to in the link in my signature. Also could be a leaky injector like you said...

Check the codes. If your getting a misfire that could be the cylinder with the leaky injector.

I just had a MotorVac service performed on the engine, where the fuel system is cleaned and any engine carbon is flushed out. Still not shutting down due to run-on (dieseling). I too think it must be a leaking fuel injector. Next step is to have the injectors tested. An additional ideas would be greatly appreciated.
