Difference from 97 trans to 99? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Difference from 97 trans to 99?


Well-Known Member
August 21, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Bardstown, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 sport, 99 limited
Last week I bought a 99 limited with a bad tranny, and planed to pull the trans out of my sport since its having some issues that I need time to fix, anyways I was told even though there the same transmission that there are some differences, so can someone give me some more info on this?

a 97 5r55e has an extra sensor that the 99's did not have. basically in 97 they had a overdrive drum speed sensor.. It was eliminated by 98.. Not sure if the tranny will act right if that sensor there but its probably best to ask a pro like Glacier or any of the other tranny gurus

Ok thanks alot, just glad to have a idea whats going on. Now just to find out if it will still work.
