dim dash lights? I CANT see,,,??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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dim dash lights? I CANT see,,,???

dtl 2k2 sport

Explorer Addict
February 29, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
stafford Va
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 SPORT
When i'm using my lights, the dash lights on the guage cluster almost the whole display is dim, i can still see but it's just looks like the light is next to not showing, for an instance i can see from 9-65mph, and then on the rest of the spedo it's dark, along w/ gas, on the far left which is always dark,, burnt out?? The voltage and oil, guauges are dim but once in a while for what ever reason they brighten up? is it a bulb? // or something more major?? Help throw some light

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blulbs burnt out..same prob with my '95...i just havent taken the gauges out yet to replace them.

lol, thanks how hard is that to fix, ?? okay let me rephrase that, how much would it cost to pay someone!!?? not very michanicaly inclined

i'd say a shop would charge a hours worth of work...i have done it in about 30 or so mins..but i'd say a hour to be safe.

my guess with shop rates what they are..prolly $50-80

its really not a big deal..you just gotta pull part of the dash apart to get at it. then unbolt the cluster to get at the bulbs.

it would probably be worth your while to replace as many as possible at one time, so you dont have to do it again for a while.

what do you need to take off to get to the bulbs?

I have a 94 ranger and the whole left side is out...


Dash lights on the 98 ranger are hard to change

It took about 4 hours to change the bulbs in my 98 ranger. I knew I was in trouble when the repair manual said to remove the ash tray first. One suggestion, when you replace the bulbs, replace ALL of them with new ones.

but why would i need to change them at all if they go dim, but then come back bright? as they should be as if nothing was wrong,, ??

the ones that stay off are bad or you have a blown fuse, or its way more expensive to fix... replacing as many as possible at once just means you won't have to crack it open again if they go bad in a month.

the dimming would point to a seperate electrical issue, IE possible flood car, you keep hitting the dimmer knob, your voltage regulator is taking a crap, your alternator is taking a crap, you have an unfused electrical short thats momentarily grounding out. you have an electrical motor/fan/accessory/amp that has a really high starting draw, you have a bad battery. I think you get the idea.

in my 1994 my voltage drops significantly when I run the windows up, this can dim my lights.

another possibility, you/someone has wired in an accessory that doesn't have a big enough wire for all the components, and has just upped the fuse to cover the need.

it runs good the voltage doesnt drop at all, and along w/ a new diehard gold battery,, gas gauge light goes out, and has been out for a long time,, uhm every thing else is half lit,, 0-60 mph is lite,, the rrest are dim at times, then sometimes they pop on as regular,, although, from 60-80 mph on the guage it's always dark ,, even if the rest are on as normal, also i dont have a cab light that doesnt work,, ?? all on the same fuse?? thanks for the help

to get at the instrument cluster, you need to remove the radio faceplate, the radio, the hood release latch, the panel under the steering wheel, the panel covering the gauge cluster and the cluster itself. Screws are holding each item in place so look for them. GOOD LUCK
