dirty engine, needs washing.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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dirty engine, needs washing..


Jackstand Wheeler
Moderator Emeritus
April 16, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Suwanee, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport 4x4
ok.. i recently passed through some relatively deep standing water. its that clay looking color too. normally the area is not that deep but this last time there were ruts in there that were not visible. anyway, it was deeper than normal and i now have a really muddy looking truck. that doesn't bother me, but the engine compartment has a lot of the dirty stuff also. i didn't get any in the air intake and everything else still works fine. some of the splashy/wake water got on parts in there. just wondering a safe way to wash all that stuff off? can i just take a hose and spray it or do i need to be careful about areas? i know i don't want any in the air intake, but other stuff? thanks for any help!

Be careful of all your electrical components and connections. No need to get too much water in them. Be sure you don't spray hard into the alternator, this can cause damage. Beyond that you should be ok. I've washed mine several times (carefully) with no ill effects. Where I go I get lots of dust and try to keep it from building up too much. Abrasive dust where you don't want it can do more damage than a little, low pressure water.

Questionable items: Freezer Bags


WHen I cleaned mine i used safeway bags to cover the battery, alternator and a/c compressor. Once done it started up with no problems.
