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Disappointed with Sylvania Silverstars


i have the silverstars and they are great. they are very nice.

your problem is the headlight lense and reflector for the 2nd gen x's was never very good to begin with, so any gain would be slight, but definetly noticable.

silverstars are 60/70 watt versus 55/60 standard.

your fog light bulbs are h1's. you have a lot of options with these.

balck explorer- silverstars are a different animal than cool blues. different color and different wattage, a definite step up.


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im pretty sure mine arent h1. h1s have a little extra wire coming off of it.. mine doesnt. mine is very close tot he 9005 bulbs that angle at 90 degrees. 9005 can be converted to fit my fog light socket with a little filing. but i dont know wat style the original fog lights are.. or how to take them out

Originally posted by xlt-sport

i have the silverstars and they are great. they are very nice.

your problem is the headlight lense and reflector for the 2nd gen x's was never very good to begin with, so any gain would be slight, but definetly noticable.

silverstars are 60/70 watt versus 55/60 standard.

your fog light bulbs are h1's. you have a lot of options with these.

balck explorer- silverstars are a different animal than cool blues. different color and different wattage, a definite step up.


Yes, the standard 55w 9006 Cool Blues are not all that good. However, I have the 9005 Cool Blues vs. 9006 bulb because there was not enough light. I did the conversion before the Silverstars came out. If you look at the 9006 Cool Blues vs the 9005 Cool Blues. The bulb coating actually looks darker than the 9005 bulb.

As for the 60/70 watt bulb rating. I think that may actually marketing gimmick. I am going to buy the Premium 9006 bulbs from Philips that have no bulb coating and just the Xenon gas in the bulb. Will let you guys know how it comes out once, I get them.


piaa has the market cornered on "marketing gimmicks" in regards to "misleading" people, but they say 55/60 that shines as 80/120 or something.

look on the bulb [assembly] itself, it has the wattage stamped on it. silverstars are 60-low 70-high.

awhile back you said you low beams went off with your high beams on. i disagreed with your statement.
you would never respond to me.
i'm asking you, do they?


you HAVE H1 BULBS-there is no wire, only a roundish silver 2 prong plug.

i know, i owned a 2000 explorer with factory fog lights. h3 bulbs have the connecting wire.


One thing I have noticed is that the amount of light is deceiving. Try this. at night park on a dark road. Turn the lights on and off. It'll surprise you how much you can actually see. I thought the same about my bulbs, that they were not too bright. However, they do light up aloot more than stock, but beacsue of the color, it doesn't seem like it.

Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder so it is with the amount of light put out by different headlight bulbs. :D Every company has statistics that prove that their bulb is brighter than all the others but under their stated conditions. The best thing to do is find some people with the brands of bulbs you are considering buying and see what they look like in operation. It all comes down to how they look to your eyes.

I'll still take my Silverstars. ;)

Originally posted by xlt-sport

piaa has the market cornered on "marketing gimmicks" in regards to "misleading" people, but they say 55/60 that shines as 80/120 or something.

look on the bulb [assembly] itself, it has the wattage stamped on it. silverstars are 60-low 70-high.

awhile back you said you low beams went off with your high beams on. i disagreed with your statement.
you would never respond to me.
i'm asking you, do they?


you HAVE H1 BULBS-there is no wire, only a roundish silver 2 prong plug.

i know, i owned a 2000 explorer with factory fog lights. h3 bulbs have the connecting wire.


I checked last night and looked very closely this time. I guess. The glare shield on the low beams deceived me plus, the fact that the low beams are not as bright as the high beam. I was standing right in front of the high beams. The last time I looked was, in a very dark area but, looking at pics from someone's web page. I noticed a small amount of light almost, like parking lights coming from behind the glare sheld. So, yes you are correct. The high beams and low beams do come on simultaniously. My bad. I had two cars previously that only turned on the high beams and the low beams + fog lights turned off simultaniously.

I am going to check the fog lights and see if, they turn off when, the high beams go on. Like I said previously, the cars I had before would turn off the fog lights when, the high beams went on. I changed out the relay in the fuse box and I could get all my lights on when, high beams were on. I know this is a different vehicle but, would like the fogs on when, high beams were on. The more light the better. I need it when I go thru those country roads.

Silverstars say their "maximum" wattage is 60/70. I think their "actual" wattage is 55/65.
High power harness $25.00 Highpower 80/100w HI white bulbs $19ea.(same color as PIAA) or clear bulbs $15 per pr.
I wasted a lot of time & $ changing bulbs looking for the brightest and have found that the high watt & harness is the way to go. For the difference in price I stayed w/clear bulbs.
You dont get the Blue look but you sure put the most light on the road. Only thing brighter is HID and with HID you get no hi beam.
If you prefer the "look" your not going to see as well.

<mondo edito>

Originally posted by balck explorer
I am going to check the fog lights and see if, they turn off when, the high beams go on. Like I said previously, the cars I had before would turn off the fog lights when, the high beams went on. I changed out the relay in the fuse box and I could get all my lights on when, high beams were on. I know this is a different vehicle but, would like the fogs on when, high beams were on. The more light the better. I need it when I go thru those country roads.

You have a 2002, but this seems to work on 1999 to 2001 Explorers, and may be useful for 2002 up:


Well it just so happens that I bulb burned out today. I had the Hiper brand siperwhite bulbs. Lasted 3 years, and I always drive with my lights on (poor mans DRL). Not a bad life for the bulbs.

Anyhow, I just bought some SIlverstars today. $19.99 at local auto parts shop. I'll put them in tomorrow and report the results.

Well I put them in and first thing I said was "WOW that's bright!" But then I looked at the old bulbs and figured out why. The first is the one that burned out. The second still worked.
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Now I see why. The first blown bulb was completely black all around. The other one was only black in one spot, but it was a big spot.

hey doc.. can u post a pic of ur sylverstars if u have time.. i just wana make sure mine is not defective.. there is a small amount of purple on the bottom.. is this the same for urs?

I'll take a picture tomorrow and post it. The glass part is smaller than the Hipers, and it's kind of an irridescent purple/blue. The Hipers were just blue.

Where's those pictures?.. lol..
5+ years later

holy bringing back an old thread batman!
I love my silverstars. I have ultras in the headlights and just put 9005s in the fogs to replace the halogens. I am surprised the difference changing the fogs put out. It is nice having two sets of low beams makes. :)

i used to have silverstar ultras, they were great, way better than stock imo. but now i have my ricer blue xenons lol im even happier

Open up an old thread, and people always continue on with it ^^^^^


They need to come up with cool blues, that are brighter than silverstars!

yea yea "get hids" ..

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