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opinions on the sylvania silverstars

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Glowin97x said:
ummm how exactly are clear CORNERS supposed to effect the light coming out of the HEADLIGHT housing?[/QUOT

Go Outside and look at your headlights. Notice how they are kinda foggy? Clean them with a cleaner (I use Lighter Fluid). Still Kinda Foggy....right. Go Buy new headlights. NOT FOGGY. A foggy headlight lessens the intenity of the light coming out of it (Physics).

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Clear Corners are what the headlights are CALLED. Its there NAME. Thats what the GO BY. Stop bustin my balls. You cant just buy the corner, you buy the whole headlight. Got any more questions? Ill be happy to answer them while only attaching minor sarcasm to avoid hurting your feelings (Im considerate that way.)

....so i found out you can buy the "just the corner". oops, doesnt effect my original point.

Um you CAN JUST BUY THE CORNER (I DID BBQ DID MOST PEOPLE DOso dont freakin patronize me dude infact why dont you look up a couple threads at BBQ's new clear corners JUST THE CORNERS that he bought. Get a life and maybe learn something before you are so quick to patronize

gatorpatric0 said:
Why doesnt everyone buy clearcorners with the silverstars. If your going to leave your foggy stock headlights installed than the Light from the Bulb is going to be affected. Get some clearcorners along with the new bulbs. Oh and '96eddiebauer, that looks awesome.

Thats what I originally put down. It says "WHY DOESNT EVERYONE BUY CLEARCORNERS...." I didnt say buy "Just the Corners". I said the name of the headlight I recomend purchasing. I didnt even make an Ignorant remark. We are talking about different products. Ill compare it to something else that similar and different at the same time. If I said "But a new Intake Manifold From K&N. It will increase your horsepower." And then you said "Why buy the Whole Manifold when you can just buy the filter." And then i would reply with "But why just buy the filter and get 80% improvement when you can buy the whole assembly and get 100% improvement (Example numbers, nothing factual". So stop breaking my balls.

Look i'll take the high road on this one so i dont mess up this long established thread. Youre comparison of the intake manifold is poor.
Heres what you said in order

1. Why dosnt everyone buy clear corners with the sylvania silverstarts (JUST A BULB)

-I said the corners dont effect headlight output (thats why people dont buy them)

2. You said that clear corners are just the name for the headlight housing and that you cant buy them sepreatly. (Which you can)

- I pointed out you were wrong

3. You make the analogy of an intake and filter

- A filter would help the intake as they work together. Clear corners are a seperate housing that would not effect the light output of the headlight housing. If you bought a slyvania bulb and kept the older corners it would give you the exact same light output as if you bought clear corners because the light does not in anyway go through them.

Please just sack up and admit you were wrong in thinking clear corners were the same as the headlight housing becase we all know thats what you thought.

This will be my last response to this little flame war in order to save the integrity of the thread.

Seems to be a misunderstanding of corner lights & headlights. I did a couple of searches and couldnt find any "headlights" called clearcorners. Generally clear corners is just refering to the blinker houseing without the amber reflector.
Gatorpatric let me know that he got a little hot & all seems better now.
Thanks for keeping it cool Glowin97X.

Well, now that we have everything straightened out.....
I could Have sworn that i saw a whole headlight housing, Corners, Headlights and all that were called Clear Corners. Can't find that site now, Damn. Oh well.....

Mike said:
I use to have Piaa head lights.. i went thru 2 sets in 1 year.. my 3rd set i went with the silver stars and they were about the same as far as light.. now the piaa's are $79 for 2.. the silver stars are $20 for one.. personaly i will never buy piaa head lights agin.. the extra $$ is not worth the little dif they provide.


I encountered the same issue with Piaa and will not buy them again.
I'm running Silverstar's in both my cars now and like them. However, I did have a low beam burn out on the Explorer. I was really disappointed since it was only 8 months old. However, the High's and the set on my other car are going 1.5 years strong.
One misconception is that they will be brighter. They are the same wattage as stock bulbs so they won't be brighter. The perceived brightness will be greater because they are whiter in the color spectrum.

good old canadian tire :)

XonDubs said:
also i payed 36$ for them at autozone,the only problem i have with them though is when its raining i cant see the lines in the road very well :(
Old topic, but that's the problem with these blue tinted bulbs, they produce "brighter" light, not more intense light. The human eye doesn't process the "higher temperature" lighting very well. The bulbs also produce excess glare. If the blue bulbs use more watts you may get back to seeing as well as you were before, but with even more glare and greater stress on the wiring. The Sylvania Xtravision are a better choice.

i bought some apc and hated them. to much blue in them. couldnt see ****. love my silverstars.

They are fantastic when illuminated through clear headlight lenses.

Yeah...no kidding!!!





Why does this old thread keep reappearing?

[QUOTE='96explorereddiebauer]Yeah...no kidding!!!

<edited for brevity>


Why does this old thread keep popping up as new when there's nothing new added?

Because it's a poll and people keep voting which bumps it to the top.
I still would like some Silverstars for my fogs.

i had them in my 94 xlt and i loved them they were very bright problem is with the higher wattage they melted my socket so i took them out and bought euro dezings green bulbs 45/65 and i love them they seem brighter and match the color of my truck

Well I personally dont' like the sylvania, I had them on my dads Durango and boy were they awful. I compared them with ones I bought at my local ricer shop and were they much better than sylvanias. I currently run a pair of (don't remember what brand but they're close to NOKYA) bulbs and they put out more white as oppose the bluish white that all the civics and accords have. I'm really satisfied with those bulbs and also ran the same color to my fogs as well. ;)

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Theres a guy on ebay that sells silverstars for $27 with free shipping for the pair. I just got mine a in the mail a couple minutes ago and am going to install them later today.
