DIY: Front License Plate Bracket Removal! | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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DIY: Front License Plate Bracket Removal!

nice write-up.
I was able to remove my frame with very little effort thanks to your details.
I used the Dorman #456500BP as opposed to the 963-056 retainers but they worked like a charm.

thanks again,


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Thank you for the write-up!


yup I cant beleive how good the retainers look once installed. I thought the finish would be slightly off but it isnt.

Thanks for the writeup! Just did this "mod"... the day after I drove it off the lot ;.). The openings for the rivets were 1/4" wide, but the retainers I got (456500 @ O'Reilly) had heads that were really big. Anyone know of any retainers that have heads barely wider then the 1/4" opening? It'd be nice to have these the least noticeable as possible.

Pretty upset I even had to do this tho. My dealer said (in writing!) multiple times that the bracket would NOT be drilled for. Then once my car arrived, he said that they started drilling them at the factory since a month ago. I don't know who is to blame... my dealer, Ford, or the state of California... but I feel like the dealer should have paid for a new lower bumper ($270 retail- probably cost them less than half that).

P.S. for everyone whose sayin its illegal in there state not to have a front LP... I live in CA, its illegal here too... but live on the edge a little y'all! Looks so much better... I'm willing to take my chances. It's at most a $10 fix-it ticket. If you get one, pop the bracket back on, get the ticket signed off, and pop it back off :D

This is the first mod I did!!! 20 min after parking it in the garage :D

my first mod too! Easy and so well worth it!

Luckily my explorer sport didnt have it on as well during the purchase. Bought in Maryland which i guess doesn't require it, and I live in jersey. No way im putting that hideous thing on.

For now its gonna stay in the windshield

I have to have a front plate so for those of us who cant do this exact mod here is an alternative. I removed the oversized OEM front plate mount and found this much more discrete mount at Pep Boys for $5. You can adjust it up and down and side to side. Not as nice as completely removing it but a little better.


I have to have a front plate so for those of us who cant do this exact mod here is an alternative. I removed the oversized OEM front plate mount and found this much more discrete mount at Pep Boys for $5. You can adjust it up and down and side to side. Not as nice as completely removing it but a little better.

Hi Sarge,

Did you use the same holes to screw the plate mount? We need front plates here and I am thinking to also change the mount to an exact fit for the plate, but Im not sure if I can use a normal screw for the left over holes or I would need to use a nut and bolt to reinstall.

Hi Sarge,

Did you use the same holes to screw the plate mount? We need front plates here and I am thinking to also change the mount to an exact fit for the plate, but Im not sure if I can use a normal screw for the left over holes or I would need to use a nut and bolt to reinstall.

Yes that plate has multi fit holes that line up with many mounting combinations.

I did use original bumper mount holes.

Yes that plate has multi fit holes that line up with many mounting combinations.

I did use original bumper mount holes.

And normal screws worked right? no need to use a nut behind the hole?

And normal screws worked right? no need to use a nut behind the hole?

I used the screws that came with that new mounting bracket to fix to the bumper.

When mounting the licence plate to the mount I found my plate screws were too long and they punched through to the bumper, so I grabbed some shorter screws.

thanks, please post up some pics once you're done.

Thanks. Added mud flaps and removed the stupid front license plate bracket.

Great guide, thanks a lot!

Still going strong!


I did mine with the advise above and thanks all!

If you are like me, you will love this thread.

I went out of state to get the exact 2011 Explorer I wanted. Just so happens it has a Front License Plate Bracket on it.

These are installed during manufacturing with plastic rivets.

Here we go!

Tools needed:
-Screw Driver
-Drill w/ assorted bit sizes
-2 Trim Retainers (I bought mine at Advanced Auto Parts)



Remove Plate

Plastic Rivet

Use a Drill w/ a Small Drill Bit to drill out the rivet

After that use a Flathead Screwdriver and pry the Rivet out

After the plate is removed

Trim Retainers

Installed Trim Retainers

Old Rivets

Scratches from the Vibration of the Bracket






Hope this helps!
Thanks, your easy instruction and pictures make this a very easy task. By the way, your Explorer looks great!

First page Google suggested for this. Plus I ended up joining the Forum. Thanks for the help, Sarge!

I just went out to do this and I'll be damned if they didn't use too long of screws and chewed up the painted part of the bumper. I guess I'll just have to keep the plate.

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Liscence Plate Bracket Removal

Hi all, I know there was a thread here somewhere with pictures about removing the front bracket. Someone lead me there. I tryed the search.:)
Thank you.
