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door removal


Well-Known Member
January 19, 2005
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Clemson, South Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport 4x4
i have done lots af research and plan on removing the doors on my sport...mebey just for a day..but just to do it. has anyone found a way to take make their doors easy to take on and off... like j**p doors....or any thing like that? i have doe a ton of searchs and found all the information on taking the doors off...but i was jsut wondering if anyone has done it, and found a way to make it quick and easy after the first time?



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I am in the same boat as you. I want to have easily removable doors, but still be able to put them back on. I am waiting until I get more lift to do it, b/c if I took them off now I think it would look stupid. Since it's a sport, I'd only have 2 speakers in the rear if I took them off so I'd want to create some type of a disconnect for the wiring, so I can put them on again later.

This summer, I am planning on making some type of a tube door, similar to Rick's and other's doors. Whenever I have a garage to put my truck in and it becomes a trail rig, I will leave those things on for good. Good luck figuring out the doors.

i was thinking that you could just replace the two bolts that hold the door to the hinges with a pin that you could pull in and out. i dont know if this would work, but i dont see why it would not. then there is the problem like you said with the wires. is there some way that you could get i guess a really big plug that had enough leads for all the wires and just be able to plug and un plug the wires together?

this is all i have been able to think up. if you have any other/better ideas please post them. i would also like to get this done by summer time.


Any one know if they make a plug that would work for that? Could you use two or three plugs if there isn't a large enough one made?

I will try to take a look at the wires tomorrow and see what will work. Right now I am working on a stupid science fair project (required to pass the class) and it's due at 7:15 in the morning. :(

wow that lucky we dont have to do science just studying for exams right now..even more exciting

I'll go take a look at the wiring right now.

BTW, I worked on that dumba$$ project from 11am yesterday until 7:00am this morning. I only took a one hour break during all of that! :mad: I guess that's what I get for waiting until the last minute.

I just went out and looked at the doors again. The only things holding mine on are the two pins that connect the door to the hinges and the wiring. I couldn't see how many wires there were because the rubber cover is blocking me from seeing it. I don't think I can see it unless I pull the door panel off.

they make cannon plug kits. what they are: removable plugs that are water proof and can be disconnected.. the most connections i have seen is like 32 on one.. check at graingers for them. you cut your wires, solder them on each side of the plug and whe you remove you unscrew the connection and presto, removeable door. (also used on a.c wireing harnesses so can you remove part of the system and commo systems for the military).

edit : if you can get a number of wires i can look up the manufac and get a part number that would work. and yes one side can be mounted to something let me know you need a pic to visualize it.

is there a website for these plugs or a brand that you recomend?


I searched for what you were talking about and I couldn't find it.

ok i know they are in my mouser electronic catalog, let me see if i can find some on the net for you guys.

ok found one type here, its a little on the large size i think it gives you the idea.

found that on here . the site sucks for navigation tho.

While not quite what i meant you get the idea. The one i am talking i will post a picture, maybe one of the engineers (electrical type) will know the proper name of it and where to get some from.

ok might of helped if i learned to read.. here is what you want i believe
now you just have to figure out how to order it. and the number of wires you need.

awsome thanks

Do you happen to know the price of one of those? I looked on google, ebay, and that site. I couldn't find a part number or price on the site you posted.

think you gonna have to call. d/l that pdf there a number in there.. later if i got time i'll see if i can find one.. any electrical engineer know where you can get some

When I was at Home Depot a couple weeks ago, I looked for that connector thing but couldn't find it. Just saw this thread.(below-post 2)

Maybe someone could get those from a second gen, put them on a 1st gen, and then would have disconnect wiring?

99stocksport...this should work for you. ;)

did you guys give up on this? or what... because when i was painting my rockers the other day i was thinking about it. turning some pins on the lathe at school so they are a tight fit, and making a quick disconnect harness, but that post the 2nd gens and a 10 mm bolt, makes me thing the 2nd gens already have one sort of? did either of you do this? i dont think i would offroad without the doors in case i flop, but i would love to drive around town like a j**p. its starting to get colder though...

yes i have had to give up the idea for the time being...too much school work to do any major mods on the expo

I have temporarily given up. I plan on making tube doors or half doors this coming spring though. It just wouldn't look right IMO to see an Explorer on 31s w/o doors. Gotta finish mine on the 36-37s to be worthy of that mod. :D Don't worry of those two things will definitely be done to the Exploder within 5-6 months. :cool:

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i was lookin at mine early and the wire disconnection is only on the driver side, there isnt one on the pass. side from what i saw
