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Drive Shafts


Active Member
May 7, 2006
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Vancouver BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Ex xlt
I tried a search and came up empty. Does anyone know if a drive shaft from a 91 4 door standard exploder is the same as one from a 91 4door automatic exploder?


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I will gues that they are the same. I have a similar question (will 2door auto dtive shafts fit a 5-speed). I am basing my conclusion on info from this site regarding length of transmissions. Yo can do the search, but if my memory serves me correctly, the manual and automatic transmissions are approximately the same, withn 1/2-inch.

But I would sure like to get an answer from someone that really knows.

Just found out via tape measure that they're different.

Were they both 4x4 (or both NOT 4x4)? The t-case also comes into play.


both are 4x4 and the d-shafts are definately different sizes.

The A4LD is the same length as the M5OD.
