Drivers Seat HELP | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Drivers Seat HELP


Well-Known Member
December 23, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Cape May NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 XLT 4X4
I have owned my 2005 explorer for just about a year now, during this great year, I have never been able to drive this car for more than 15 minutes before my back and knees just start killing me. I think it has something to do with the non-existent lateral support in the driver seat, or the location of the pedals. I’m asking anyone reading this to please help me out. If there was there something you did like putting aftermarket petals on, or moving the gas petal, or re-programming the ECU to get rid of that crazy accelerator lag...

Any ideas are appreciated

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I have done some adjustments to my 04 xlt seats for the same reason, maybe it will help you.
The lumbar support does not loosen up enough for me to be confortable, so i unhooked the cable by uncliping the seat back cover located at in back at the bottom and using a long screwdriver pulled the cable end off the lumbar support. Next because the seat does not tilt back enough for me to support my legs i unhooked the front seat cover clip and and used some of the grey insulating pipe foam to cover the seat frame on top, use as many pieces as you need to get the lift you want.

I have done some adjustments to my 04 xlt seats for the same reason, maybe it will help you.
The lumbar support does not loosen up enough for me to be confortable, so i unhooked the cable by uncliping the seat back cover located at in back at the bottom and using a long screwdriver pulled the cable end off the lumbar support. Next because the seat does not tilt back enough for me to support my legs i unhooked the front seat cover clip and and used some of the grey insulating pipe foam to cover the seat frame on top, use as many pieces as you need to get the lift you want.

AMAZING! those are exactly the items that i was looking for, do you have pics of your pipe mod ?

No pics the pipe mod is verry easy, took about 5 minutes. good luck!
