Driveshaft clicking.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Driveshaft clicking....


Well-Known Member
October 8, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Waxahachie, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Sport 4x4/2001 Sport
I havent had to do anything to the Explorer in awhile, been running great 'cept for a wore out starter.
However I am getting a little worried about the rear driveshaft, everytime I reverse directions it clacks. I know where its coming from, the slip yoke, I replaced the ujoints when I first got the truck and noticed right away that it will make this noise when you twist the two halves in opposite directions.
I took it apart and could see where it looked like one of the splines appeared to be missing, or badly worn, but just one and on the male side. So I said the hell with it and packed it with grease real good and was ok for awhile. Now its back and worse as far as loudness goes.
Any ideas on why and what to do? Can I buy the half of the driveshaft? My truck is the 2dr 4x4 5spd, which is probably going to make finding a good used one next to impossible. Thanks!

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you need to replace the universal joint.

If the splines in the slip joint are bad, you need a new drive shaft. If the splines are still good its most likely a u-joint. A good driveshaft shop may be able to rebuild your shaft but I doubt it will be less than a decent junk yard shaft.


The ujoints are brand new, less than 3k on em, and are super strength ones. Not that it means they wont go out, but I just want to rule this out of the mind. I was able to produce this noise while on the bench without any ujoints in the shaft.
I completly rebuilt the driveshaft for my f100, replaced the joints, carrier bearing and rebuilt the greaseable slip yoke. It has zero play in the yoke, while my exlorer's has play plus the noise.
I may call the place I found for the parts for the f100's slip yoke, they do driveshafts only, maybe they can find me a replacement

Own up & buy a new driveshaft, or get yours rebuilt. Any driveline shop can do it. Driveshaft's are not that expensive, & it will last.
