Driving 2007 xlt 4wd without front driveshaft? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Driving 2007 xlt 4wd without front driveshaft?


New Member
March 16, 2022
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St Joseph
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 explorer xlt
I had a failed front driveshaft on my 2007 and removed it to replace. But I can’t seem to get the rear part of the cv housing off the transfer case, so the shaft is off and the transfer case is still sealed. But I need to drive it 15 mins to get it in a lift and finish the job.

Is there any harm in driving it after removing the front driveshaft?

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You can even take the front half shafts and the front axle off the car ,nothing will happen.

Drive slow and safe to the shop.

You can even take the 4x4 module pigtail off,then you will get the whole 100% torque to the rear wheels.

That rear part of driveshaft seals nothing. You need to tap it with some chisel after you remove those 6 bolts. It will come off eventually. You can drive it like that forever.

I had a failed front driveshaft on my 2007 and removed it to replace. But I can’t seem to get the rear part of the cv housing off the transfer case, so the shaft is off and the transfer case is still sealed. But I need to drive it 15 mins to get it in a lift and finish the job.

Is there any harm in driving it after removing the front driveshaft?
May I ask why you replacing it?what was the symptom? I'm currently chasing a noise too in my truck

May I ask why you replacing it?what was the symptom? I'm currently chasing a noise too in my truck
May I ask why you replacing it?what was the symptom? I'm currently chasing a noise too in my truck
For a while I was having an issue with a progressively harder clunk when switching from park to drive or reverse. This lasted a few years. Also a shaking while driving that became noticeable at the steering wheel and the explorer was just loud in the cabin.
I thought it was just exhaust and worn out components in suspension and steering. But then while under the truck I tried to turn the front driveshaft by hand and found it had a lot of play before engaging with the differential. The u-joint was busted.
The front driveshaft has a cv-joint at the transfer case around the middle of the vehicle and a u-joint connecting it to the front differential. I had trouble finding out how the cv-joint was put together. It wasn’t that bad of a fix but lack of room to work and frustration caused me to separate the internals and bearings of the cv-joint while removing the driveshaft.
Slapped a new u-joint on the front and rebuilt the cv-joint but it was a pain.
Immediately there was no clunking and driving was much quieter. And had no issues for about a year and then my head gasket blew in an unrelated incident and haven’t had time to fix.
But basically try to rotate the driveshafts and see if there’s play.
Let me know if you have any questions.
