drop hitch strength when flipped | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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drop hitch strength when flipped

I now have a 3 inch drop hitch with a 2 5/8 ball on it. I need alittle more clearance. Can I flip the hitch so its a rise instead of a drop and flip the ball?
Whats the structual side affects if any. Thanks

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Yes, they are reversible...at least all the ones I've seen are.


This is the one

Same one I have, safe to flip over.
They now come labeled, yours would be like center/4" high on how you mount it.

Thanks. I flipped it today. good thing I looked at it. I went out with a pipe wrench and a breaker bar ready to do battle and it turnes out that the nut was hand loose. Good thing it had a cotter pin through the stem
