ebay feedback settings | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ebay feedback settings


Explorer Addict
September 6, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Pella, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Sport and '89 B2
Is there any way to not have the item you have bought or sold on ebay show up in the feedback area with out the link to see what you bought? I'm just asking this because my girlfriend has been looking at things i have purchased lately(mostly for the explorer) and she's always telling me i spend too much on it so this doesn't help to much....lol. I'd like to have it show my feedback from everyone, but not the link to the page. Anyone know if this is possible?

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Go to your feedback options and there should be a option that says make private or something along those lines.

Making your feedback private only makes it look like you're hiding something which you are. Go for it! :thumbsup:

some bodies hiding **** lol.

You may want to have it shipped in a plain brown wrapper also. LOL

SdexplorerSport is right. Your only option is probably the private feedback, which makes you look like a dirtbag. I usually won't even look at a sellers things if their feedback is private. If you don't do any selling, it shouldn't matter much, since you can still see the positive rating and how many negatives there are. If your g/f is snooping like this now, it will only get worse. Looking through your emails, going through drawers, sniffing you when you come home, asking why you are 6 minutes late. Unless she helps support you, I'd tell her to nevermind my feedback, and if she wants to scrutinize it, to not mention it to you. If you blow up everytime she brings it up, she'll learn it just isn't worth it.

If a seller chooses to leave his feedback private, it is only for other people, not for you if you bought something from him. EBay only hides it in the winning bid page but not on the page called "my EBay". I was a little surprised that one seller's feedback was blocked everywhere else except on that page. Another option that you could do is delete your transactions from that page after the auction is over. If she checks your feedback, she will still see what you bought up to 90 days after the auction if that seller left feedback for you. You could make your feedback private, and delete those things on the my EBay page to cover your tracks.

If you pay with Paypal, she could get into your account, and see what you bought if she has access to your password. If you use a credit card, check, or money order, it will be harder for her to find out. One option you could do as a last resort is change your EBay screen name on your account, and don't tell her what it is. She might be able to find out by going into EBay's ID section in the community area. If she is going through all of this trouble to see what you are buying, buy something for her on there, and when she finds out, just tell her that you were getting her a surprise gift, and she just ruined the surprise!

Good info and tips, LOL.

lol, I didn't think I'd get this many responses. Thanks guys I think she got over it, it was just the intial shock of it on there since money's a little tighter for her then me.

kert0307 said:
lol, I didn't think I'd get this many responses. Thanks guys I think she got over it, it was just the intial shock of it on there since money's a little tighter for her then me.

I know what you mean, my fiancee use to make half of what I make and she was always like "Stop spending so dam much". Now she makes double what I make :(

Don't be sad that she is making more than you are. The bright side is that she wouldn't be on your back asking you for money, or expect you to buy expensive gifts, take big vacations, or go out to eat in the most expensive places in town.
