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How to: ecoboost_xsport consolidated build/maintenance thread

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It's been awhile, but I'm still around, LOL. 2-step/Launch Control write-up is finally live!!! Check it out at:


Weight Reduction: Aftermarket Wheels v1.0

After running stock 20" Sport wheels with 25mm spacers for a few years, I decided to step up my weight reduction game while also putting some new shoes on the rig.

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View attachment 322755

It looked good, but I felt I could improve on performance. Trying to maintain the outside diameter of the wheel was important for me so that minimal changes, if any, would be needed in the tune for speedometer correction.

I also wanted to increase width of the wheel for traction as well as add some "stance" to her. I spent a lot of time on thisWheel-Size Calculator comparing various wheel and tire combinations along with various offsets to try and maximize what I can fit within the confines of the wheel well.

I was focused on the lightest wheels out there and currently those are, generally, the Volk Racing or Advan Racing wheels, so that is where I put my focus.

OEM Ford Explorer Sport wheel and tire specifications:
  • Wheel size: 20" x 9" with 44mm offset (with 25mm spacer - effective offset of 19mm)
  • Color: Contrast cut black with silver
  • Centerbore size: 63.4mm
  • Tire size: Hankook Optimo H426 255/50-R20
  • Wheel and tire combination weight: ~72lbs.
View attachment 322756

I ended up picking some Volk Racing TE-37 Ultra wheels as they are some of the lightest 20" wheels on the market. And instead of using spacers, I decided to put some additional offset to make up for the wider stance I was looking for.

View attachment 322757

Volk Racing TE-37 Ultra wheel and tire specifications:
  • Wheel size: 20" x 10" with 30mm offset (with 6mm spacer - effective offset of 24mm)
  • Color: Dark bronze
  • Hub size: 73mm
  • Tire size: Hankook Ventus ST RH06 275/45-R20
  • Wheel and tire combination weight: ~58lbs.
View attachment 322758

I picked everything up from Vivid Racing. It would take a few weeks to get as the wheels had to come directly from Japan. I also ordered some TPMS sensors from them so that I could mount the new stuff and be rolling, and leave the OEM wheels as is, in case I wanted to throw them on for something.

Got some goodies!!!
View attachment 322759

View attachment 322760

Couldn't wait to mock them up, LOL:
View attachment 322761

It's very important when getting aftermarket wheels that you don't forget the hub centering. In this case, Vivid provided the centering rings free of charge. But if you need to get yourself some, they aren't usually very expensive. You just need to find out your OEM centerbore and aftermarket hub sizes.

Lot's of OEM information is here: Wheel-Size. Just do a search on your make and model and it will show lots of information for the OEM wheels that came with your vehicle.

Wheel weight:
View attachment 322762

Tire weight:
View attachment 322763

Comparing tires:
View attachment 322764

Yeah, they are the real deal...LOL.
View attachment 322765

When I finally got the wheels mounted, in all honesty, I was still a bit dissatisfied with the offset. Loved the wheels, just didn't get the "stance" I was after. So I ended up having some 6mm spacers custom made by Motorsport Tech. I had them have those spacers have the hub centering ring machined as part of the body of the spacer. That made the installation of the hub centering rings unnecessary. I took them to a local anodizer and they hard-anodized them black so that they wouldn't be easily seen.

View attachment 322766

View attachment 322767

A few months later, I ended up putting some Tire Stickers on as I was liking how they looked on other cars. I was apprehensive at first, but it ended up growing on me:
View attachment 322768
(photo courtesy of AutoHo
Weight Reduction Running Tally: ~104.0 lbs
When you had the OEMs with the 25mm spacers, Did you have to grind down your OEM bolts or was it a perfect fit?

When you had the OEMs with the 25mm spacers, Did you have to grind down your OEM bolts or was it a perfect fit?
Never had to do anything to the bolts. The OEM wheels have "pockets" that the bolts fit into. Take your wheel off and see if you have them as well.

I've been really slow-playing on my writeups. I still have 20 different writeups in various stages of a DRAFT that I need to finish. Here is one of those 20. This one's actually been installed for about 6 month now. I'm finally getting done with the writeup. Apologies, everyone...

BlackVue DR900X-2CH UHD 4K DashCam

Personal Blog Link: I see what you did there! Front AND back!


Well, it sure has been awhile! I haven't posted much here and i apologize for that. I've spending more time over at the SHO Forum (way more modding friendly atmosphere), but I shouldn't neglect you guys. I'm going to add a few posts that I've since posted in other places...again...apologies folks.

Sometimes I really hate myself. I start so many projects and don't finish them before starting another. Well, add this to my long list of projects. Found an ATI pulley that fits, as well as an ARP crank bolt, but the pulley will need some pretty decent hub modification, and the flat washer will need to be turned down a bit...challenge accepted.


You ever get that custom short block installed yet? Curious why you are building it. A stroker? Did you bend a rod? Also what hp increase are you thinking with new manifolds? Do you think the stock exhaust manifolds are limiting you? You are pioneering the way for 5th gen Explorers and I enjoy reading your posts.


I was trying to send a message to you, but it isnt letting me. Wanted your updated opinion, if possible on a tune for the Explorer. I have been reading a good bit about AJP, but seems he is beyond busy.

You ever get that custom short block installed yet? Curious why you are building it. A stroker? Did you bend a rod? Also what hp increase are you thinking with new manifolds? Do you think the stock exhaust manifolds are limiting you? You are pioneering the way for 5th gen Explorers and I enjoy reading your posts.
Hey there, my bad for responding so late. I'm not on here as often, I spend more time on the FB groups and the SHO forum.

Anyway, I'm building it "just cuz" lol. I'm gonna push this to the limit and just see where it takes me. Taking a lot longer than I anticipated but still moving along. It isn't in the car yet as I'm finishing up the custom manifolds and have a trick ATI balancer I'm trying to make work.


I was trying to send a message to you, but it isnt letting me. Wanted your updated opinion, if possible on a tune for the Explorer. I have been reading a good bit about AJP, but seems he is beyond busy.
So, I love Brad. I personally think he's the best tuner. Matt at GearHead is right there with him, IMHO.

The cons against AJP? He can sometimes take a long time to respond...sometimes weeks. Tuning isn't his main gig, its a side hustle for him, so he isn't able to get to it as often as dedicated shops. This isn't an issue for me, as my car isn't really driven on the street and I can wait for him while I'm usually doing other things. This is the main reason I usually steer new folks to Matt at GearHead as he is just as good, and usually has a quicker response time. Most people "want it now!" And AJP just doesn't align with that philosophy. He also has almost no social media presence, which is actually a testament to his reputation because he still has an avid following despite that fact, especially in these days of having to get "out there" as a business.

Go with Matt, you won't be disappointed.
