Educate Me... I know nothing about AWD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Educate Me... I know nothing about AWD


A Man Without Wheels
December 9, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie Bauer (R.I.P.)
Like the title says. The reason is, I found a Limited Explorer. Is the right color and all. The only 2 things I DO NOT like are the fact that it is not a 5.0 and it is not 2 wheel drive. It has a 4.0 in it and is AWD. Does AWD run all the time? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I am still looking for that 5.0 though. It's on E-Bay and at 8k now. Trying to decide.

Here is the vehicle.
White Limited

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thats not awd...its 4auto which sends power to the front wheels when the back slips, this can be defeated with the brown wire mod to give a true 2wd

Yup....I say pass on that one and find yourself a nice 5.0 2wd. But this time make sure to look under the hood BEFORE you buy and make sure it really is a V8. :D

Like this Explorer? Brian found this one for me. I am dogsworld.
But it is hard to look under the hood when you are 1500 miles away, LOL. But it is a 5.0 for sure. I think this Explorer is exactly what I am looking for.

OK, but I know nothing about them. Is this good or bad? Should I just stay with what I know and keep looking for a 5.0L pure 2 wheel drive? That is what I want.

i would say look for the true 2wd, since it will be a street machine and you are in texas and dont see snow, look for the 2wd thats what you want

You are probably right. I guess my best bet would be to get this 99 Eddie Bauer I found at CarMax. Only thing is that in my opinion, it is over priced with the mileage it has, but is the exact vehicle I am looking for. I may wait a while then and see if the price comes down. I hate the fact that CarMax won't wheel and deal with ya. And I certainly don't need to buy a vehicle from California with all of that emission crap on it. That is where I know of a white 01 with 59K on it, 2wd, sunroof, and clean to the bone. But loaded with emissions to kill a bear.

pull the emissions off.

Get the AWD :)

I like AWD, of course it's always raining here. You could pull the front driveshaft :D I wouldn't buy another 4.0 Explorer if I had the chance at a 5.0.

BBQ's lookin' for another EX!!!! Glad to hear it Ronnie! Show us how to do another one right!!!

aldive said:
Ronnie, why do you want a 5.0?
Cause it's just American to own a V8, LOL. Also because it would really make me angry after selling all of that stuff I had for a 4.0 if I got another one, ROFL.

If you're interested in that one in Cleveland, maybe we could meet up, or get a small group together or something. Or would you have it shipped.

The AWD is nice, don't have to worry about, always there to cover your ass when you need it, can be broken free in the wet. I say its a good match for the 5.0L. I was also not thrilled about the AWD. But honestly I don't mind it anymore. Especially after the ride home tonite with the snow and ice completely covering the road. Although You won't have to worry about that ;) Don't jump into things. If its not what you want, don't get it. Don't learn the hard way! Good Luck though!

The 5.0's have the emission crap on them, even not in CA. The only difference is the EGR tube.

Or am i missing something?


I am pretty set on a 2wd. Since I already have the wheels for it. I prefer to get a Limited, but would also take another Eddie Bauer. But it has to be White for sure. If it isn't white, then I am not even interested.

Dont overlook the Mountaineer. I couldnt be happier.....

xplore!!! i never did like mercury anything i'm not a fan of the fancier things

BBQ_HotDogs said:
I am pretty set on a 2wd. Since I already have the wheels for it. I prefer to get a Limited, but would also take another Eddie Bauer. But it has to be White for sure. If it isn't white, then I am not even interested.
GOTTA problem with Black EXs Ronnie :D

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What's wrong with red. I know a guy selling some really cool custom logos in red. That would look pretty hot. ;) :roll:

AWD MPG SUX :thumbdwn:
