EF featured in the new fourwheeler magazine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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EF featured in the new fourwheeler magazine


Explorer Addict
March 23, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bay Area CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 sport trac XLT
just opened up my issue of fourwheeler magazine on the train this morning and was pleased to find an extensive article featuring the EF. that's two issues now involving the EF, and including my recent feature in off road magazine, thats three EF related spottings in major magazines. thats pretty awesome. there are tons of great rigs from member in our forum, im hoping to see more and put a dent in the number of jeeps in magazines (even though i also own a jeep).

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:chug: It is very good news that Explorers are getting attention in the magazines.:chug:

Congrats to both of you for getting your rigs in print:thumbsup:

My Explorer got into a recent issue of Off-road as well. Glad Explorers are getting some recognition!

Mine too, thanks to keeper :) That makes 3 magazines and 1 parts catalog for our X.

Lono, which four wheeler? Is that the July issue?


June issue of Fourwheeler Mark. If you haven't already seen it, better hurry. I already got the July issue in the mail.

..Which issues?

..We have this one in June..

..and this other one in june..

..And I hope Keeper will post the cover and more info of the one they were in so we can take a look too..:D

..BTW...I heard a rumor that the BII I covered and did a video on at King of the Hammers this year actually made it into a magazine next month also..;)

..I still need to get them over here to post up about their BII build..

Ahh.. I already have my two June issues and the one with Keeper in it. I thought there was another one from this year.

Now if I can just find the safe place I put all the other ones that have EF members I can put these 3 with them.


I already got the July issue in the mail.

Mine was there when I got home from Moab. I see what you were talking about now with some of Harrys articles in there. 1 of them we did about 9 months ago and the Alaska truck was from a long time ago and the articles are just now running.

I turned to the table of contents page and saw a picture of me in there running the jack, that was a surprise.

I turned to the table of contents page and saw a picture of me in there running the jack, that was a surprise.

Did you catch page 40?

...What's on page 40?...:popcorn:

I haven't even looked at it yet. Kevin thumbed through it at camp, and it's been in the camper ever since. I'm going out to grab it right now :D

My collection of magazines which have featured Ford Explorers... I know I'm missing some :(


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I was just pondering the thought that a lot of our meets don't get published in the calender section in the mags. At least the few meets I have been to, I haven't noticed publication announcing to the non-interweb people. Are we just not attempting to contact or not planning enough in advance? Just wondering if it would give more attention.

I was just pondering the thought that a lot of our meets don't get published in the calender section in the mags. At least the few meets I have been to, I haven't noticed publication announcing to the non-interweb people. Are we just not attempting to contact or not planning enough in advance? Just wondering if it would give more attention.

..We do need to do this and sometimes a reminder would help get this started...Other times, we plan runs and no one shows which would be a bummer to have advertised..:(

..But we always seem to have Truckhaven, Moab, CCR, and now SMORR...Perhaps if someone would post a magazine in one of the planning threads that we should contact would help in the organization of this...It's always great to have new blood show up to these events..:biggthump

Here's the cover off the issue of Off-Road I got into.


And here's the little blurb.


...Thanks for posting that and again Congrats on getting in the Magazine ..:salute:

..and don't think I didn't notice your taped magazines...:p:

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