engin no start... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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engin no start...

Loren Smith

Active Member
October 14, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Girard, PA. 16417
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport Trac
HELP! I have a 2001 2WD Sport Trac, 4.0 vin "E". Just installed a new used motor and tranny (5R55E). All ready to fire BUT, when I turn the key to "on", everything lights up and works as it should...radio, lights,etc. Turn key to start and nothing. Not sure if there is a safety switch in this circuit or not. Did I miss something in the install??

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Is your theft light flashing fast? Have you tried starting it in neutral?

YES...theft light flashing fast
wont try to start in neutral

and now, after I tried to start it in Neutral, the speedometer jumped up to 55 MPH.....what??

You’ve got some wiring gremlins. Did you swap out just the motor and transmission, or did you change any computers?

Are you sure you hooked up all the grounding wires and straps?

You’ve got some wiring gremlins. Did you swap out just the motor and transmission, or did you change any computers?

Are you sure you hooked up all the grounding wires and straps?
I replaced only the motor and tranny. Hooked up everything including the ground straps. The speedo is what has me puzzled. Also, I've tried every potential fix that I could find online and nothing works. Could there be a sensor on the tranny thats causing this?

If your range sensor isn’t reading park or neutral it’s possible. Do you have a second key?

If your range sensor isn’t reading park or neutral it’s possible. Do you have a second key?
no second key. I will get under it and adjust my cable to be sure its reading park /neutral when it should but I still have to get the system reset (so its not locked out). Where is this reset/valet switch everyone is talking about. I can't find it

Reset what? The PATS anti theft? There isn’t a reset button like you’ll find on a Subaru of similar years. PATS reads your key using a coil around the ignition cylinder. I’m not totally sure all that’s involved, it’s a different generation of PATS than I have.

Reset what? The PATS anti theft? There isn’t a reset button like you’ll find on a Subaru of similar years. PATS reads your key using a coil around the ignition cylinder. I’m not totally sure all that’s involved, it’s a different generation of PATS than I have.
As it sits now, I have the nattery disconnected. If I wait a hour and hook it back up and then get in it and turn the key to "start", nothing happens and the light flashes real fast. Same key I have always driven it with and also the only key...no FOB. Maybe a locksmith cam help

As it sits now, I have the nattery disconnected. If I wait a hour and hook it back up and then get in it and turn the key to "start", nothing happens and the light flashes real fast. Same key I have always driven it with and also the only key...no FOB. Maybe a locksmith cam help
OK heres the latest...
rehooked battery
checked tranny cable and it registers correctly in Park, Rev (B/U lights on), N.
theft light flashes rapidly
speedometer reading 50-55 MPH but truck not running

God, I hate vehicles

You have a fault with your PATS.

You have a fault with your PATS.
SUCCESS!!!! I decided to look at my ECM. I pulled the big plug off it and inspected all the pins. Discovered 2 pins broken off!! I then went to a salvage yard and got an ECM, ignition cylinder and key. Installed them in the truck and PRESTO....it starts and runs. No check engine light. I'm a happy camper. I also have installed the manual tensioners in this truck. Can't wait to get it on the road.

Excellent job. Kuddos to fixing it without assistance. PATS malfunctions (although not terribly common) have stumped many a home mechanic.
