Engine code help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine code help


Well-Known Member
October 30, 2001
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City, State
New Durham, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Limited
Hey guys/girls I have engine codes that i am not sure what they are. I have the descriptions but don't know what i need to do from here.

327-EGR Valve Postion Sensor

332-EGR Not Opening Decteted

536-Brake On/Off (BOO) circut Failure/not activeated during KOER

538-Insuficiant change in RPM/Operator error in Dynamic responce check

Any help would be great. thanks!

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327 and 332 indicate a problem in the EGR system. EGR valve is bad, DPFE is bad (seems to be more common than the EGR valve itself), or a bad connection somewhere. For a thorough treatise, go to FTE (www.ford-trucks.com/forums) and search for "gtest.pdf". I posted the link to this file on this site as well, but the search engine here doesn't like to find it here. This file is the complete EEC-IV diagnostic article from Mitchell for a '95 Explorer. There are a few differences between the two years (transmission especially), but the information for diagnosing the EGR system should be almost the same if not identical.
As for the other two codes, they almost always indicate operator error while performing the KOER test. At one point in the test you must press the brake to test the BOO switch, and at another point the PCM expects you to "goose" the throttle. Those codes almost always mean that those steps were neglected. If you performed the test correctly, then they indicate problems with the BOO switch and/or the TPS/CKP.
Good luck.

DPFE? is that what i ask for when i go to the parts counter?

If your strategy is to replace parts based solely on a trouble code, then, yes. Parts houses may call it something like EGR position sensor or differential pressure sensor.
If it were me, I'd take the time to run some of the circuit tests to try to make sure that I was replacing the bad component.

i couldn't find a curcit test for it. is it in the haynes manual?

No. Haynes may have a simple test, but code specific circuit tests are to be had in a professional repair manual. The gtest.pdf file I alluded to above is a copy of the EEC-IV diagnostics article (~200 pages) from Mitchell for a '95 Explorer. Mitchell or Motor manuals are often available at public or college libraries for many different makes/models of vehicle. Some people buy Ford factory CD manuals on ebay for about the price of a Haynes or Chiltons manual.
