Engine kills | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine kills


August 3, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
gretna, la
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 explorer
Hi im kendrell, i have a 97 ford explorer 4.0 ohv, two weeks ago it started killing when i was driving but more often coming to a light, cel showed intake leak, i changed upper and lower plus fuel rail gasket and injector orings, still was killing and running lean, i change the pcv which was broke come to finx out, crankshaft sensor, fuel pump, and sending unit inline fuel filter and clean fuel pressure regulator. I chaange the egr pressure sensor, throttle position sensor, but of vacumm lines and hoses, cleaned the maf sensor, change air filter, still acting up, i brought it to mechanic shop and said it was the ecm/pcm just got it change and pick it up this morning, and still doing the same thing, the shop told me to pull the throttle body and clean it good, what do u think fellas, any advice, will start right up but ideal rough untill warm then ideals at 750 smooth but kills when put i gear, its driving me and my bank account crazy

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This has to be diagnosed properly. Can you tell me your fuel trims at:
1500 rpm
2500 rpm

Do you lose any coolant?

This has to be diagnosed properly. Can you tell me your fuel trims at:
1500 rpm
2500 rpm

Do you lose any coolant?
It loses coolant but only due to a crack in the radiator but not much, how do i go about finding out the fuel trims what do i need to get that info for u

2 things come to mind.
First, try this. make sure the plunger rod inside moves back and forth freely and clean the rubber seal real good


Fuel pressure issues also may be the problem. ^^try that first since it is very inexpensive.

If it is not a good fix, check the fuel pressure when the truck is misbehaving. You might try a new fuel pump relay.
I will get a pump relay just in case and i will look at the link so i know exactly what u mean by plunger

2 things come to mind.
First, try this. make sure the plunger rod inside moves back and forth freely and clean the rubber seal real good


Fuel pressure issues also may be the problem. ^^try that first since it is very inexpensive.

If it is not a good fix, check the fuel pressure when the truck is misbehaving. You might try a new fuel pump relay.
I see what your talking about yes it works i put a brand new iac on when i change all those part

It loses coolant but only due to a crack in the radiator but not much, how do i go about finding out the fuel trims what do i need to get that info for u
You are going to need an OBD-2 adapter and software at forscan.org. It is a free dealer level software you can install on your PC. For an OBD-2 adapter there are many choices but the BAFX adapter works with Forscan. That is what I have. This is probably the cheapest way to read codes, should be $20 for the adapter. If you have an adapter just get forscan.

From there you select Table, PCM, and search for TRIM (you want bank 1 and bank 2). Also you can read misfire counts.

The EGR could leak air too. The fuel trims will give us clues.

You are going to need an OBD-2 adapter and software at forscan.org. It is a free dealer level software you can install on your PC. For an OBD-2 adapter there are many choices but the BAFX adapter works with Forscan. That is what I have. This is probably the cheapest way to read codes, should be $20 for the adapter. If you have an adapter just get forscan.

From there you select Table, PCM, and search for TRIM (you want bank 1 and bank 2). Also you can read misfire counts.

The EGR could leak air too. The fuel trims will give us clues.
Ok buddy imma work on getting that inda morning along with that relay

Thanks for all the help fellas i took throtlle body off clean it real good and i seen in another post that a dude had to change the egr siloniod so i did that also and its running like a champ, the last thing i want to do is do a seafoam treatment but never did before and was wondering how it work out for others
