Engine not starting??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine not starting???


May 7, 2002
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99 Explorer Sport
A few weeks ago i went out to start my 99 SOHC and it wouldnt turn over. The check engine light was on and it would not start. So I took some advice from these forums and cleaned down the IAC, the thing started right up and the check engine light was off. It drove fine for about a week and the same thing happened again. So sure enough, I took apart the IAC and cleaned it down and everything was fine again. I took it to a ford diagnositcs place today and they say nothing is showing up wrong on the scanner. Does anybody have any advice on what is wrong or what I should do. Thanks alot.

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Interesting question. The usual mantra for engine problems is IFM - ignition being number 1, fuel (and air) being number 2, and mechanical <cams, distributors, valves, rings etc> being number 3. Newer sensor equipped cars with computers add to the equation. But in our lust for digital we often forget the old ways of diagnosing engine problems. We just need to add to our knowledge base.

A non start being AIC seems odd to me, but maybe other have an idea. The fact that you cleaned the IAC and "fixed it" and that it came back so fast suggests not an IAC problem necessarily (especially since you have no stored codes) but maybe some intermittent electrical affected by what you did ?

There are lots better diagnosticians on here than me... (and three worse). I'll be interested to see what others think. Also, please let us know if and when you find the correct answer. It helps everyone when you do.

Happy Exploring


Next time this happens, try giving the fuel pump a little more time to pressurize the system:

Turn the key to "on", wait 3-5 seconds, then start.

Seems to me like the IAC may in fact be the culprit though, but cleaning it isn't good enough and you need a new one.

O2 sensors can cause a no start problem without triggering a CEL. It has happened yo me. Take a look at Dead Link Removed

hmm...... o2 sounds like something i might check out..... my mechanic is cleaning the fuel injectors and messing around with the pumps right now suspecting it might be a fuel problem (very good chance).... ill keep u guys posted...

What does the fuel pressure read while running?

the problem was indeed an oxygen sensor. I got it replaced and everything seems to be running smoothly as of now. I thought it was odd for it to go at 38,000 miles but i guess thats how new engines are these days. Thanks to everyone for your help and assisting me in solving this problem.
