Ex Sport rant... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ex Sport rant...


Well-Known Member
September 15, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Madison, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport 4x4

Well...took my 01 Ex Sport in for the oil pressure sending unit replacement and a 'rattling' noise in the engine bay. I also told the mechanic about some misc bump steer I've been feeling in the wheel. I'll be driving it home tomorrow with a new serpentine belt and tensioner, new timing chain tensioner, and lower ball joints (as well as the sending unit).

My warranty covers everything EXCEPT the serpentine belt and tensioner. After all is said and done I'll cough up $325 ($105.50 of it goes to the warranty the rest is the price of the serp, tensioner, and labor for it).

Does this sound about right to you folks that know prices?!



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What kind of warranty one from ford when vehicle was new.
or aftermarket warranty so to speak.

It's an aftermarket warranty...I purchased it at the dealership...but this was after the lease buyout of my vehicle. I purchased the 'gold' warranty (which really means nothing to you I'm sure). It's just different levels of what is covered. I did notice that no matter what warranty level (gold or platinum)--serpentive belt and parts were not covered.

Does $200 sound like too much to pay for the belt, tensioner, pulley and labor--or is that about right to you?

not at all figure at the dealer belt it probable $25.00
tensioner maybe $45.00
pulley maybe the same plus the labor to install..

that is cheap at the dealer.
my dealer would charge that just for the labor.

the belt i got from ford for my ranger was $45 but better than any other belt i'd ever used so yes, that does seem like a decent price

Ok...just didn't want to be getting screwed here.

I've already got beef with one of the 'other' dealers in my area. I purchased my truck from them originally. I took it in last March 17 and was told it needed upper control arms and lower ball joints...I get it back and have been having to deal with horrible 'bump steer' ever since. There is a jarring in the steering wheel when I go over bumps, etc.

I took it back into the shop 2 days later and they told me to drive it for about 500 miles to let things 'settle'. Well, I drove it until March 24th when I went to the Middleton dealer and had them drive it. They said there was a little bump steer, but not too bad--if I have problems I should take it back to the ORIGINAL shop and they should fix it. Well, the original shop didn't do anything...so now it's been nearly a year (11 months to be exact--but OVER 15000 miles) and I need to get this part replaced AGAIN! WTF?! Shouldn't the original dealer cover my warranty charge this time? Since I clearly complained about it AFTER they did the work last time?


Well...I spoke to the supervisor of the service manager at the ORIGINAL shop that did the ball joints work. He was furious at the way I was treated (as he was supposed to say) and said there was DEFINITELY something that they could do--he just had to talk to the service manager and find out who was involved in working on my vehicle. (*a month before the ball joint work...they did a brake job and put the WRONG size pads on--damn near killed myself on the way home from the shop...does NO ONE test drive after their work anymore)?!

I'll letcha know what he says this afternoon...he supposed to be calling me back.

On a sidenote...I DID hear back from Middleton...they said it definitely was the timing tensioner I was hearing (they did the teardown to be certain) and it IS covered under my warranty (thank goodness)!


I get 'er back today. I can tell a MAJOR difference in the ride (while driving and holding onto the steering wheel) after having the lower ball joints replaced. I don't feel the 'bump steer' that felt like I was going to jump into the other lane like I had previously!

I had the serpentine belt and tensioner replaced, as well as the timing chain (belt?) and tension. The shop had my truck for 1.5 days, I guess they were waiting on a part.

She drives quite well now...though I do hear a small 'squeek' periodically when going over uneven terrain and pronounced bumps in the road at near highway speeds. I can't tell if it's the axle dust seals (again) or possibly a wheel bearing, or part of the brake assembly (clip, etc.)


Lube the swaybar bushings and see if that gets rid of the bump squeak. Mine groaned when going over speedbumps and lubing solved it.

What did you use to lube them with TPLYNCH? Anything special?

Family mechanic did it. Just used regular lube grease as far as I know.

You don't have to 'remove' anything to grease it up do you? Just kinda make sure it gets into the crevaces?
