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exhaust help...


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January 14, 2004
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91 sport
Hey Guys, 91 explorer sport 4.0 with a kkm. I want to get your opinions on an exhaust question. I have searched and all, and I am a little in between. I am getting a dual exhaust setup put on and dont know if I should go with 2.25 inch pipes or 2.5 inch?? I love the look of bigger pipes, but then in some searches people say it will make you lose back pressure, others say its fine. What is that, and what can I expect. I do have a kkm so I know it will be getting a decent amount of air. I also do not want it to sound ricey. Please anyone with experiences/ opinions, let me know. Thanks, anything will be a great help.

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there are a number of views. I went with single and I am completely happy, I cant prove results, but in this thread it turns out a single muffler, but he did put dual exits, had better results than true dual. I dont know which you had in mind. I ahve the KKM and a Force II from flowmaster, which is single 2.25 with a 50 series and it's certainly not ricey, sounds awesome when you get on it and has a nice noise at cruising. Im sure others will help out as well.

well, I had in mind a single muffler, with dual exits, I cant decide on what size pipes to use coming out, 2.25 or 2 1/2??? Anyone with this setup want to comment?? Loss of backpressure, louder, anything?

You will be better off with a single exhaust with cat back piping at 2 1/4".

Good luck ............

91explorer1009 said:
well, I had in mind a single muffler, with dual exits, I cant decide on what size pipes to use coming out, 2.25 or 2 1/2??? Anyone with this setup want to comment?? Loss of backpressure, louder, anything?
If you're doing dual pipes N/A you should go with 2". What type of sound do you want? I'd recommend Flowmaster over anything. Flowmaster 40 would probably deliver what you're looking for. The bigger the pipes the less backpressure, meaning less low-end torque.

I've had 2 Flowmaster Force II 2.25" setups on 2 94 X's, & have been happy with them.

Well, I want a nice deep sound, not a buzzing, but a nice rumble, not loud like setting off car alarms loud but right where its not too annoying, but I still want to hear it. I am probably going with the flowmaster 50 series, single in dual out setup. Hmm, sounds like 2.25 will be fine and I dont want to lose back pressure, but I love the looks of the bigger pipes, 2.25 is stock and I dont want it to look stock. Damn, I also dont want a coffee can buzz, or no torque, I already lost some power due to the 31's, what to do what to do..... :confused:

put on some 2.25 pipes and put on a larger tip if you want... dont put duals with 2.5" pipes... its a v6!


  • exhuast.jpg
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When I mentioned the system I had above(except mine is single and comes out on the passegner side) which is what jimabena jsut pictured it came out nice, the sound, kept 2.25 piping for torque and got a cheap chrome tip thats 2.5 with a diagonally cut tip, looks nice :thumbsup: Ill try to get a pic up.

thanks so much guys, thanks jimabena thats a great pic. Thats a good idea, I didnt think of put bigger tips on it. I didnt know I could do that. I take it for a v6 you dont use 2.5 thanks jim.

unless you motor is modified and im not talking about basic bs bolt on stuff 2and 1/4 is more than big enough. the stock moter needs that back pressure without it the truck will accelreate like a pig. keep some decent back pressure but only open it enough to gain the power you need at the most youll only uncork 6 to 10 hp with an exhaust anyway.
