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Exhaust Questions


June 22, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Gurnee, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
I have a 2001 Explorer Sport and want to put an aftermarket muffler on. I want something that has a little more throaty or mellow tone. Does anyone make a good muffler for the V6? I tried searching by make and model and couldn't seem to find anything. Has anyone put aftermarket exhaust on there truck? Let me know what you know. Thanks.

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My Answer

I did the search of this site and went against the flow (Flowmaster) and went with Dynomax. I listened to sound clips and to vehicles owned by muffler men and the Flowmaster was louder but sounded just a tad tinny in the upper RPM range. An old and wiser muffler man said Dynomax. The Dynomax is quieter but has more of a low growl. At freeway cruising speeds it doesn't send a drone through the cabin either. I'm not going to admit it (so not to be dinged) but friends say the 4.0 sounds a little like a small block V8.

I say Dynomax but your best bet is to search the message board.

So just by the Dynomax with the correct size inlet and outlet as well as length and I should be good?

I like the way the stock exhaust sounds, but just want something a little better. Thanks.

01XPLRN said:
So just by the Dynomax with the correct size inlet and outlet as well as length and I should be good?

I like the way the stock exhaust sounds, but just want something a little better. Thanks.

If you want a better flowing muffler that is not overly loud and obnoxous, take a look at the Flowmaster 70.

I have it and love it.

Take a look at http://www.flowmastermufflers.com/70_series.html

Good luck .....

01XPLRN said:
So just by the Dynomax with the correct size inlet and outlet as well as length and I should be good?

I like the way the stock exhaust sounds, but just want something a little better. Thanks.

I had a shop do it on the rack so there are welds not clamps. In fact that wise old mufler man took care of my needs.

Aldive- what part number did you go with on the 70 series? Did you keep the stock 2 in and single out?

Pabille - Do you know what Dynomax you went with? What's the part #?

I went with the Flowmaster 50 series Delta Flow because it was practically the same as the 50 SUV and I really like the sound I get from it. It was quite a bit cheaper than the 70 series and fit right in where the stock muffler. I got it at a Meineke shop installed for 149.00 tax and all. If you check the flowmaster muffler website you'll see the interior and exterior sound levels are very close to the 70 series...

Don't you get alot of interior noise from the flowmasters? I have heard that the interior sound is better with a Dynomax. What do you think?

01XPLRN said:
Pabille - Do you know what Dynomax you went with? What's the part #?

I don't have the part number off hand. The shop put on a Dynomax Super Turbo 2 1/4 in and out.

The Flowmaster 40 series has a lot of interior drone but I am really satisfied with the 50 series Deltaflow. The deltaflows are not nearly as lound on the interior as the regular series. That chart on the flowmaster website gives you a sound level comparison between the different models.

pabille said:
...The Dynomax is quieter but has more of a low growl. ...friends say the 4.0 sounds a little like a small block V8.
But you're still running an otherwise stock single exhaust system, right?

Is there a dual exhaust kit for the 4.0? If there is, I wonder how it would sound with a couple Dynomax... I highly recommend Dynomax for a true dual system on a small block V8; but nothing sounds more pathetic than a V6 trying to be a V8! I'd rather just keep my 4.0 whisper quiet.

Dan66 said:
But you're still running an otherwise stock single exhaust system, right?

Is there a dual exhaust kit for the 4.0? If there is, I wonder how it would sound with a couple Dynomax... I highly recommend Dynomax for a true dual system on a small block V8; but nothing sounds more pathetic than a V6 trying to be a V8! I'd rather just keep my 4.0 whisper quiet.
I agree, Dan66. That top end flatulant sound is weak. This not very loud (almost stock-like volume level) but low growl at WOT is very pleasing.
I have a custom bent single under my 2-door.

When you put the Dynomax on, did you remove the resonator that is after the muffler?

01XPLRN said:
When you put the Dynomax on, did you remove the resonator that is after the muffler?
My '96 never had a resonator. From the cat I had a have a Superturbo to single 2 1/4 out to the rear following the route of the stock pipe.

aftermarket muffler

Hello, I just put a flowmaster 50 series SUV on my 99 explorer 5.0. It sounds good! It is not much louder than stock. It is still quiet in the cab. It has a nice deep sound like a big truck. Just thought I might help. If you want something louder than stock then I would recommend another muffler than this one! But if you just want to make it sound better withought being too much louder then go for it!
p.s. mine still has the resonator and 4 cats installed. No mods exept for intake and muffler. I will post an audio clip when I get a chance.
