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September 11, 2000
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'97 Sport 4x4
Hi my name is Jimmy and I have a 97 sport and I am looking for an exhaust. I am leaning strongly towards the borla, but ORW wants $479 to get one shipped to me. I was wondering if the borla is worth this, if there are any less expensive places to buy it, or if there is a less expensive exhaust system available for my explorer of decent quality.

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Anybody have an opinion on the Borla?


I don’t know where you live but there are several places in northern Illinois that sell and install custom exhaust systems (cat-back). I also have a 97 Sport and had Iggy’s put on a dual exhaust. Sounds great and looks real nice. It cost me under $300 installed. Of course the advantage Borla has is that it is stainless steel and will last forever. It’s a personal taste thing.

If you do live in the Northern Illinois area, go to http://www.ericcameron.com/Niec/NIEC.htm. There are a few companies that sell custom exhaust systems.


Searching for answers

Your question is tried and true. There are a zillion threads about exhausts here. You can search on 'Borla' or 'exhaust'. From what I've read here on this forum, everyone seems to love the SS Borla, but that SS does cost $$$. My '01 Sport had a 2.25" offset inlet and centered outlet muffler stock with 2.25" back to the resonator then 2" from the resonator to the exhaust tip.
I was able to get a 2.25" Flowmaster 50 Series Delta Flow for $80 that just replaced the muffler without touching the resonator or the plumbing back to the exhaust tip. It's nice and quiet but has kicked the vehicle in the pants. The recommendation I got was to go 2.5" all the way back from the cat and dump the resonator, like the Borla, but the total cost for that was $314. As it turns out, my total cost for the Flowmaster was $80-muffler (RPMoutlet.com), $20-shipping, $80-install. And they did retro the heat shield on install.

That's too much $$$

Try this link for a better price http://www.truckperformance.com/cgi...470110243148.108.1.58+FORD+1997+EXPLORER+4.0L
I have a Borla, not installed yet, Ford Racing sent me the wrong one! It looks very well made, and the best thing about Borla is STAINLESS STEEL! Most cheaper systems are aluminum, which can rust. But if you don't care about rust, go with Gibson(my opinion) to save money, the site above has 'em. Shop around, you might find it cheaper!

Originally posted by jgriffin
Hi my name is Jimmy and I have a 97 sport and I am looking for an exhaust. I am leaning strongly towards the borla, but ORW wants $479 to get one shipped to me. I was wondering if the borla is worth this, if there are any less expensive places to buy it, or if there is a less expensive exhaust system available for my explorer of decent quality.

I just received my Borla for my '97 SOHC V6 from Carparts.com. I'll put it on this weekend. After using their $100 off coupon, I got it for $378 + shipping. Originally they had it for around $280 and a few people here were able to get it for less than $200 with the $100 off coupon. By the time I read the posts, Carparts.com had increased the price to over $600. I kept waiting and watching. It paid off, the price was lowered to $478 just before the $100 off coupon expired so I got it for $378. I think Carparts.com coupon now is a $50 off or free shipping, but you can't use both.

Thanks for the help guys I think I am going to go with the one from truckperformance if their shipping is not to high.

Cameron, What kind of grille guard is that you have and about how much did it cost?

It’s a Genuine Steel grill guard. If I remember correctly it was less then $250 delivered. It’s about 1.5 years old and I am very happy with it thus far.
