EXHAUSTing Gibson question... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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EXHAUSTing Gibson question...


Well-Known Member
June 14, 2004
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'00 XLT 5.0 AWD
I'm looking into the Gibson exhaust (Explorer Express). Looking at the Gibson exhaust web site, they list the pipe size as 2.5". However, the TruckPerformance.com web site lists it as 3". ExplorerExpress doesn't list it.

For the people that have the exhaust, what size is the after-muffler pipe?



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BUMP! doesn't someone know the answer?

Don't get a gibson exhaust they suck. I speak from experence, instead go with a flowmaster, or magnaflow. Anything but gibson please

gotta go with mitch on this one... my neighbor has gibson on his dodge and it sounds like s*#@. I hate it every time he starts it, go with flowmaster or something.

:chug: :chug:

Well, ok.

I'm looking for a 3" exhaust - not chambered. That eliminates Flowmaster and MAC. What size is Magnaflow?


Brad, I've got a Gibson Side swept and I think it sounds pretty good. It is a two and a half inch pipe though with a 3" chrome tip. At idle you won't be able to tell much difference in sound. But when you slam on the gas you'll hear it fine. It's not obnoxious like the Flowmaster 40 series. But if you don't want the Gibson I would go with the Flowmaster 50 series.
