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Experience wanted

I am wonder what a good combo to run is
-3 inch body lift with 33's
2 inch body lift with 32's
3 inch body lift with 32's

any body who has done any of these feed back is appericated with what they think...rub,clearence cutting and so on

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I have the 3" lift (if you're going to do it you might as well go as big as you can). I still have the 31s that I had before th lift, but I plan on getting some 33s and I am pretty sure that the only trimming neccessary will be on the black plastic behind the front tires. Do you plan on getting new wheels, or do you have wider wheels? I ask because stock wheels would not work well with 12.50s which is what I want, if you plan on getting 33x12.50s you should probably get a 15x10 rim. Something smaller would work if you wanted to do it that way, but it is up to you.

I will most likley do my 3 inch lift then when my A/T's tread is run down i will buy new rims and tires like 33x12.50 on some cheap american racing rims....at a junk yard near me they have a 98 smashed all to hell but the rims a shiney and undented...do you know what the rim specs are on 98's?

After talking with RangerX about this I would not run 12.5's on a 10" rim. An 8" rim yes, but not a 12". You stand a better chance of not popping a bead with a 8" then a 10" rim. There is more protection for the rim with the tire spread out more. I just got 15x8" rims for my 35x12.5R15 BFG KO's and after looking at them mounted, I'm glad I didn't get the 10" rims.

Most people with pre95's, that are running 33's are running a 5.5" lift. I am assuming that since you are a student, money is a big factor, thus the body lift and not a suspension lift. I would say if it must be a body lift then get the 3". You might have to do some minor trimming and you might not, it's one of those things where you just have to try it and see. Some people have been able to do it and some have not.
There are 2 sizes of rims for Explorers
XL,XLT are 15x7
Sport,Limited and Eddie Baurer are either 16x7 or 16x7.5

I have a eddie bauer but my rims don't seem to be that big i don't mind trimming b/c i know a few people who can cut and weld and fairly decent but something i really want to avoid is when one tire is up in the air i hope i dont get rub on the inside of the top of my fender with the other tire. but you do think that for a 93 3inch lift will accomide 33's b/c i have 30's now and it sits stock.
second question how big should my rim be i wanna go a little wider outside the fender well like 1-2 inchs but nothing insane like 33x12.5

what would you like to do???? Do you want it for looks or for trail driving??? If you want it for looks I'm sure that a body kit would work fine with 33's. However if you want it for the trail I'd get away from the body lift and go with a tried and true lift kit. On the good news is though if you're willing to give up a bit You can go with 32's without a problem. This size is harder to find and your choices will be limited but they'll work without a problem.

well...i don't want a rock crawler or any thing i just want something that looks good and i can take into fields mud holes and light to intermeditate trails...but i want it to look reallly nice

Originally posted by Ray Lobato
There are 2 sizes of rims for Explorers
XL,XLT are 15x7
Sport,Limited and Eddie Baurer are either 16x7 or 16x7.5

Early model Explorer Limited honeycomb style wheels wheels are 15x6.5

honey comb-like deer hoof prints with little holes punched out?

No the honeycomb ones look like BBS wheels. The ones you are talking about are 15x7.

If that's what you want I'd go with a body lift. Three inch of coarse.....save on the labor down the road. I'm sure to run 33's you might need to do some cutting, but 32's would work fine. That's what I'd do, either run 33's with some fender cut-out or just run 32's.

how much upper fender well rubbing am i goning to save my self on the trails if i go with 32's as opposed to 33's?
