Explorer 93, 4 WD, 4.0 l slipping | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer 93, 4 WD, 4.0 l slipping


January 13, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Tempe az
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993, XLT 4wd.
Hi Experts.
Q to transmission experts.
Used kick down and car exellerated fine but all of a sudden rpm went high. After 30 sec. It acted normal again. No problem in city. On HW only at speed 55 to 60 mph and rpm at 2500 ( high?,) transmission slips and needle goes up to rpm 2700 and back to 2500, release gas and goes back to no slip Drive continues but sometimes same slip happens Tranny oil is full. Q. Is that solenoid or band?
Never exchanged tranny oil.
What is your opinion? Thank you.

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Hi Experts.
Q to transmission experts.
Used kick down and car exellerated fine but all of a sudden rpm went high. After 30 sec. It acted normal again. No problem in city. On HW only at speed 55 to 60 mph and rpm at 2500 ( high?,) transmission slips and needle goes up to rpm 2700 and back to 2500, release gas and goes back to no slip Drive continues but sometimes same slip happens Tranny oil is full. Q. Is that solenoid or band?
Never exchanged tranny oil.
What is your opinion? Thank you.
first try chaining glfuid. id lean toward the TC not locking, maybe. does it feel like TC unlock? does TC even lock? at 60 i dont think it should be spinning g2500

A 29 inch tall tire with 3.73 gears, the engine should be under 2k rpm in overdrive at 60 mph. The thing about changing the fluid is, it may finish the transmission off. I couldn't tell you if it is slipping due to a band out of adjustment.

A 29 inch tall tire with 3.73 gears, the engine should be under 2k rpm in overdrive at 60 mph. The thing about changing the fluid is, it may finish the transmission off. I couldn't tell you if it is slipping due to a band out of adjustment.
true, sometimes its the crud keepign it together lol

first try chaining glfuid. id lean toward the TC not locking, maybe. does it feel like TC unlock? does TC even lock? at 60 i dont think it should be spinning g2500
What is TC? Rpm .. another one told me to high.

true, sometimes its the crud keepign it together lol
Will not change fluid. Logic has it that by understanding what triggers the kick down. and when that is with a band than that band is may be out of alignment. It can't be that kick down kills the tranny. On the end I just have to.find out what is broken and I can't fix that anyway.. By the way i got oil change, same spot as explorer, today on Acura and got info that Philips Automechanic in Mesa is excellent for tranny. The high rpm at 60.mph is may another issue Thank you for your input.

A 29 inch tall tire with 3.73 gears, the engine should be under 2k rpm in overdrive at 60 mph. The thing about changing the fluid is, it may finish the transmission off. I couldn't tell you if it is slipping due to a band out of adjustment.
Can that called a shift flair as well ? Some have a similar problem under shift flair around 2500 rpm.

Can that called a shift flair as well ? Some have a similar problem under shift flair around 2500 rpm.
its called a flare iirc when the rpms rise as it is shifting into gear. for example, if in the 2-3 shift, it is delayed then comes into gear once line pressure is high enough. at least i think it is usually cause by the pressure building inadequately slow. in this case id lean toward no

Why stressing OD I always drive that in OD. Never any other gear.
sometimes it can stress OD since OD sometimes is not built as HD as other gears are from my understanding. in naddtion, sometimes it can bog pretty low in od and stress other components. high load low rpm isnt usually a recipe for success.

its called a flare iirc when the rpms rise as it is shifting into gear. for example, if in the 2-3 shift, it is delayed then comes into gear once line pressure is high enough. at least i think it is usually cause by the pressure building inadequately slow. in this case id lean toward no
Geez How do you know all that..Are you a car mechanic?

Geez How do you know all that..Are you a car mechanic?
nope not a tech lol theres a bunch of guys who wre experts on here without being a mech. lol they know much more than i do but ya basically flare is when pressure is inadequate to engage the gear and its buikding too slow

nope not a tech lol theres a bunch of guys who wre experts on here without being a mech. lol they know much more than i do but ya basically flare is when pressure is inadequate to engage the gear and its buikding too slow
Take care.

Okay so your 93 uses the a4ld auto

This trans has an self adjusting/adjustable kick down cable
It also has a vacuum modulator
I would first try a re set on the throttle pedal kick down cable and inspect the vacuum feed all the way from engine to the modulator
You should also ensure there is no transmission fluid in the vacuum line at the transmission side of the vacuum feed. (pass side behind heat guard near exhaust)

Kick down cable adjuster is on cable near throttle pedal, engine bay side of things.it is black plastic with a grey plastic button on top
You depress the button and pull the cable sheath towards the Engine, this resets the cable. The first time you depress the throttle cable fully the self adjuster will ratchet to the correct kick down position for the trans

Mercon in the vacuum line indicates your vacuum modulator is bad
Vacuum line is also known To deteriorate and also fall off the vacuum tree at the back of engine

Over the years the transmissions get bits of carbon clutch and band material built up in the corners of the valve body. When you change the transmission fluid sometimes the fresh fluid will knock these loose and they can clog passages. However in my experience this is typically only when people do a transmission flush, backflush using solvents and a machine attached to the cooler lines.

Dropping the pan and changing 5 quarts and the filter is pretty much always a good idea in my opinion. While the pan is off you can add a drain plug allowing you to change another 4-5’quarts in a few
Miles. Eventually the fluid will be bright red again. Chances of killing the high miles are
Lower this way.

Auto transmissions will
Slip when the fluid gets hot and or old and worn out. Converter slip can sometimes be “helped” by adding a bottle of lube guards converter shudder fix
Your trans maybe getting hot, due to fluid being worn out /
Good idea to do a visual inspection of the radiator and transmission cooler make sure it’s not full of debris or mudd / dirt

Good luck let us know what you find

Fix4fdirt is very good at pointing people in the right direction and answering questions. He is Young and enthusiastic!!
Some of us have been here a bit longer and have too much experience with these transmissions! The vulnerable a4ld

also notice the ones (at least 5r55e) w/o the trans coolers seem to die much much earlier. as such, if you drop the pan, put one of the big coolers in!!!!! cooler the better ;) have the big ole hayden on this, but ik jamie likes b&m too. at times, under extended heavy load, (ie towing to pyramid or thru grapevine, especially in summer) (or trying to beat the big rigs up the hill in summer) at times this hayden can let temps spike a bit, but it cools quickly. im pretty sure its cause it allows too much fluid flow so it doesnt have time to fully cool. not sure about the b&ms but ik jamie very happy with them
