Explorer better than a Jeep, a view point | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer better than a Jeep, a view point


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2006
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1994 XLT,
Well as some may have known my 95 Explorer was totaled just before Xmas. I found a 98 Jeep grand Cherokee V8 to replace it. here are things that I noticed that make the Explorer better than the Jeep.

the explorer can handle bigger tires stock with out any mods.
The explorer doesn't need uni-body stiffiners like the Jeep does due to the Ex's full frame.
The Explorer can easily be outfitted with tow hooks if not factory equiped, same with adding a winch.

The explorer already has a strong rear diff. Always swapped into Jeeps.

The Explorer has places for aux switches, nadda on the jeep.

Both V8 versions need updates to teh T-case.


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Jeeps have solid front axles usually, Explorers who do SAS normally swap in Jeep Danas. That being said the Ford IFS is pretty well built anyways.

Explorers make very good Jeep recovery vehicles:D

Does this mean you're going back to an Explorer? :D

Jeeps have solid front axles usually, Explorers who do SAS normally swap in Jeep Danas. That being said the Ford IFS is pretty well built anyways.

Actually they usually swap in ford dana 44's. The jeep dana 30 is a much less common swap since they aren't very strong.
