Explorer Cowl Hood | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Cowl Hood

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Theres a picture of it

already looked there. they don't have them for 91-95 explorers

Speaking of Cowl hoods, someone needs to organize a group buy for some 2nd Gens. I know I'd definetly buy one, and I'm sure others would too if the price was right. I've got some hood scoops in the garage, but the cowl would look soo much better.

ChopinOn22s said:
Speaking of Cowl hoods, someone needs to organize a group buy for some 2nd Gens. I know I'd definetly buy one, and I'm sure others would too if the price was right. I've got some hood scoops in the garage, but the cowl would look soo much better.

I think you just nominated yourself :thumbsup:
I'll second the nomination, I'd thought about doing the scoops but I agree with you, the cowled hood would be SOOOOOOO much better. :cool:
