Explorer Express Lowering Kit Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Express Lowering Kit Problem


October 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
San Angelo, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT
I was curious if any of you out there have had any problems with lowering the front end of your explorers via the torsion bar. I bought the kit form Explorer Express, and I could only get about 1/2 inch drop from the front, and that was it. It looks stupid now since the rear was dropped the full 1 3/8 inch, and the front is less than half of that. Do any of you have any suggestions? I have a 98 XLT auto.


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The torsion bars can only lower so much I think. did you try driving it over real rough pavement? The torsion bars will "settle" lower after they are put to use. Good luck!

Please keep us posted on your "problem" and its solution. I am considering the same thing on my Explorer.


Well, after talking to Explorer Express a few times, all they have to say is that I cannot lower the front any more than I have already done it. (At least with their kit.) So, I guess until I find another way to lower it, I'll be stuck with the way it is. I will take some pictures of it later and post them so you can see what the difference is, aldive.

Did you try just removing the adjusting screws/bolts on the torsion bar adjusters?

I assume that you can't drop the front end anymore because you have 'loosened' the torsion bar adjuster bolt as far as it will go. In order to lower it anymore you will need to take the torsion bar out and turn it 1/6 of a turn.
GJarret had to do this when he was doing a torsion lift. For more info see his thread: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=15264 and look for: Torsion Twist Lift and Torsion Bar Removal

This is how much drop I got with the ExplorerExpress kit. What a rip..
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i hear what you mean about not being able to lower it any farther... but still, that X looks really good!

Would someone please explain the exact mechanics ( how to do it ) of the Explorer Express lowering kit?

Also, how difficult is it? What equipment is needed in addition to the kit ( ie, tools, etc. )?

Thanks in advance........

The kit is _very_ easy to install. All it consists of is jacking up the rear, taking off the existing u-bolts, and replacing them with the ones you get from EE, and putting in the blocks that came with the kit. You can't mess up. The front you will have to jack up, loosen the two torsion bolts a bit (located pretty much under the front doors), and jack it down, bouncing the front end to settle the suspension. Repeat that on the front until the body looks level. You may not get the full 1 3/8" drop by torsion tension. I only got about a 3/4" drop on the front (although it's hard to tell from the pics.) but you may. If you have any more questions, or I am giving a broad answer, email me at matt @ wcc.net (mind the spaces).

By the way, I am planning on dropping this another inch this weekend, so I will post more pictures of the difference.

For tools, all you need is (I believe) a 19mm socket for the rear EE u-bolts. I think the other bolts are different, but it's something I'm sure everyone has in their toolbox.

Matt, thank you so much for the answers you provided.

A couple more questionjs:
(1) How long did it take you to do the lower?
(2) Did you change shocks and sway bar also?


I have a 98, and I believe the 98+ doesn't need a sway bar replacement.

As for time, it only took me about 45 minutes to an hour to do the whole thing, I've spent a LOT more time with my other mods n' such :)

Thanks, again.

Ex[;prer Express says to replace only the rear swab on my 99.

So wait... all the explorer lowering kit is is
-4 new u bolts
-2 blocks
-a new sway bar

Why is it so expensive? I can go to a custom shop and get the u bolts and blocks made for about $100 and then buy the sway seperate... it was like $30 from saleen right? You can get great performance shocks for about $200... That's about $330 in my book.... If I remember right... wasn't it $700-800 from EE?

Right on Michigander, that's why I am sending back all my stuff I bought from them. (Lowering Blocks/U-Bolts $169.95 - Suspension Bumbers $89.95)
I have bought 2" blocks & U-bolts for way cheaper elsewhere, and I am going to end up modding my torsion bar for a more desired drop in the front.
The suspension bumpers are not much different from the stock bumpers either.

michigander - $700-800 is the price for explorer express' x-spec handling kit. comes with 4 edelbrock shocks, rear blocks and U bolt, camber adjusters for the front, rear sway w/ split collets and suspension bumpers.

i agree that it's expensive, but convenient.

maddmatt - when i lowered my front, i didn't even bother jacking it up. just left the car on the ground and measured from the fender down to the ground on both sides to get it even. went driving off curbs around the neighborhood to get the suspension to settle.

and the rear sway does need to be replaced. the EE one is considerably beefier than the stock sway bar, but i have also heard about the saleen sale on sway bars.

the install basically uses standard metric tools, but we did have to run to the hardwarde store a few times to get deep sockets.

here's how my install went:
