Explorer Makes USA Today Top 25 Rebels of the Road List | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Makes USA Today Top 25 Rebels of the Road List


Explorer Babe Moderator
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June 17, 2003
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USA Today has been running top 25 lists of different things for their upcoming 25th anniversary in September. Monday's list featured the Rebels of the Road, 25 cars and trucks that changed driving.

You can even vote for your top choice.

Here's the site:


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Interesting article. All except the part about the stupid Toyota Camry.
Never in my life would I have expected such a dowdy, bland, mundane transportation appliance to be as popular as it is. These cars have absolutely zero personality. They're like Al Gore with tires.

Every time I drive one, I keep thinking to myself, "why do people love these things so much?" It's the most underwhelming way of getting from point A to point B you could ever imagine.

As far as public voting the damn Chrysler mini-van family mobiles are leading:eek:

As far as public voting the damn Chrysler mini-van family mobiles are leading:eek:

yeah WTH is up with that!! we need to rally and throw a beat down on the old crysler!!!
there is only 1200 votes so it shouldn't be too hard..

Interesting article. All except the part about the stupid Toyota Camry.
Never in my life would I have expected such a dowdy, bland, mundane transportation appliance to be as popular as it is. These cars have absolutely zero personality. They're like Al Gore with tires.

Every time I drive one, I keep thinking to myself, "why do people love these things so much?" It's the most underwhelming way of getting from point A to point B you could ever imagine.

Ben did you hear what this guy called you !?!?!?!

Having a 02 Camry I can tell you it does drive pretty good.. We previously had a 93 Camry that had about 240K miles with no serious maintance issues. I hate to say it but the quality of the workmanship is alot better than Ford, GM, Dodge and they stand behind it.. I had an issue with wind noise coming thru the windshield seal at speeds above 70 and after one failed attempt from a different dealer to remedy the situation the local factory representative authorized the replacement of the glass versus removing the glass and trying to reseal it.
Before buying the Camry, I test drove various vehicles from GM, Ford, Dodge, etc and to my suprise the Fusion, Focus, and the 500/Taurus were rather uncomfortable for me after a test drive of 30 minutes. The Fusion especially was bad, I actually had one on an extended take home test drive and I found it rather uncomfortable after driving in rush hour with it. The GM fleet, I'm not gonna even mention cause i hated the lack of quality in their products I looked at.. The Dodge stuff, yuck.. I had a Dodge Caliber for a rental after someone t-boned me and I remembered why I hated dodge, couldn't get out of its own way.
Another thing I noticed was the fact the value of the cars do not diminish versus other brands.. And no I didn't go with Honda cause quite frankly there's enough asians driving honda accords, civics, etc..

Interesting article. All except the part about the stupid Toyota Camry.
Never in my life would I have expected such a dowdy, bland, mundane transportation appliance to be as popular as it is. These cars have absolutely zero personality. They're like Al Gore with tires.

Every time I drive one, I keep thinking to myself, "why do people love these things so much?" It's the most underwhelming way of getting from point A to point B you could ever imagine.

At least Gore does a slideshow!

The Mustang info is wrong:rolleyes: Everyone knows it was the 87-93 5.0 that turned it around. The Probe was ment to replace the mustang, but it didn't work. :nono:

Toyota, #1 on the list, hmmm, that's just not right somehow....:)....but it is a US list, heh,heh ;).....are there any "All-American-made" cars anymore??? At least GB has the Jaguar that is still ALL British made...:)

how bout all you nascar fans out there, doesnt it piss you off that F'n toyota is in our sport? wtf!! i was at the New Hampshire Race Yesterday, and seeing that damn ****box in the front at the begining pissed me off. but i must say it was entertaing watching it drop back pretty quick, like usual. ever notice when your driving, the person thats doing 5 under the limit is always in a toyota?? probably cuz the pos is so dangerous in a crash people dont have enough balls to hit the gas. another toyota thing that pisses me off is they think their tundra has the best pulling capabilitys. lets see that up against the F450 6.4 L that will tare that tin can a new #######.

thats all. sorry for the languge. im just enhacing my sentances. i really hate foreign ****!!

thats all. sorry for the languge. im just enhacing my sentances. i really hate foreign ****!!

So I take it you never shop at Wal-Mart.

No older cars? Ford Model T, Mustang, Bronco? Chevy Corvette? Jeep CJ's?

There were plenty more cars that have had an impact

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At least GB has the Jaguar that is still ALL British made.
That's a good thing??!?

One of my customers is a big Jag nut. He kids around saying that Lucas electronics was the very first active anti-theft system. Also, the headlight switch on the XKE should have been labeled "Off, Dim, and Flicker"

Jags that we've had at the dealership have leaked everything possible, including electricity!
