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Solved Explorer Towing Capacities

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This is your max towing capacity. Meaning all cargo, passengers and weight of trailer and contents included. Don't think you can load up with stuff in the truck and still tow this amount of weight on a trailer!


  • Capacities 1997.jpg
    Capacities 1997.jpg
    66.2 KB · Views: 33,835

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Hey all, I have a question about pulling with my 97 5.0 AWD. According this guide the 97 5.0 can pull up 6400lbs but my vehicle didn’t come with a tow package. I was simply going to install a bolt to frame hitch but I’m wondering if I need to add anything else the vehicle to make it reliable/safe for pulling. I didn’t know if these EX’s came with upgraded or a different kind of transmission cooler depending on whether it came with a tow package or not . Thanks!

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Hey all, I have a question about pulling with my 97 5.0 AWD. According this guide the 97 5.0 can pull up 6400lbs but my vehicle didn’t come with a tow package. I was simply going to install a bolt to frame hitch but I’m wondering if I need to add anything else the vehicle to make it reliable/safe for pulling. I didn’t know if these EX’s came with upgraded or a different kind of transmission cooler depending on whether it came with a tow package or not . Thanks!
Your truck actually does have the tow package. On the second gens it’s a trans cooler, the d4 limited slip axle, and the trailer wiring harness near the taillight under truck.

Your truck actually does have the tow package. On the second gens it’s a trans cooler, the d4 limited slip axle, and the trailer wiring harness near the taillight under truck.
Thank you, that’s what I was hoping to hear

Thank you, that’s what I was hoping to hear
What are you planning to tow? If hauling a heavy load, I’d keep it out of overdrive. It’s the weakest part of the 4r70w.

What are you planning to tow? If hauling a heavy load, I’d keep it out of overdrive. It’s the weakest part of the 4r70w.
Just planning for the future, more than likely a pop up or small camper, a river rafting boat, nothing extreme by any means. Thanks for the tip about the overdrive, good to know.

This is your max towing capacity. Meaning all cargo, passengers and weight of trailer and contents included. Don't think you can load up with stuff in the truck and still tow this amount of weight on a trailer!
Howsabout towing capacity for my 1996 Explorer 4WD 4-door Eddie Bauer 4.0L v6 (VIN: 1fmdu34x4tza70403)? Anyone know how to figure that?

The original Owner Guide, that came with vehicle, has a rear axle code chart that does NOT include the rear axle code ("42") that the vehicle has.

IF my research is correct about that axle code 42, then I have a Rear Axle Ratio of 4.10, but THAT ratio is not in the Owner Guide's list of Rear Axle Ratios in the Trailer Towing Table.

What to do, to find the towing capacity?


The 1997 table lists the "4.0" with 4.10 in your config can do 5600lbs. HOWEVER, in 97 the "4.0" could mean SOHC or OHV (former is more powerful than the latter) and both were backed by 5-speed transmissions in 97, not the 4-speed of the 96.

I would use the 3.73 config to get close, but I would call it 5000 lbs more or less.
